Hello there ,
Well my name is Nate and i am about to give you my 2 cents worth if its any bit of help !
I am a registered EMT for the state of Oh and wrk in an area which traumas are name and game . I absolutely love the streets and wouldnt give it up for the world though i see the point about being to old to lug 350 +lb bodys out of spaces even you and i could prob never fit in lol.. ive seen it believe me . Paramedic to bridge is prob the smartest thing to do as you can take time on truck to better your skills and still be free and not cooped up . My sister is a Nurse practitioner and we are in constant bicker as to whos jobs better , im always the one who wins essentially . being an EMT not a medic i cant say much to the training aspect but i can say from watching my fellow medics pass by to RN , they are the best RN's in my oppinion because they had an outside look at the pt's before they arrived to a H and that in my eyes will later, when your an RN to see the big picture ( the storey ) and better treat your pts .
Moral to this miscombobulation of words : Work your way up slowly , take your time and experience every aspect of ems as you can then bridge over or whatever you chose and watch as you are rockn the ED with your skills !!
best of luck to you ,
PS :
Youll find work , its always hard to get your first EMS position , after that , from then on consider yourself hired everytime .