First off, Phil, how much 'snow driving experience' do you have? What is the average snowfall in your neck of the woods?
Having lived in 'snow country', I can tell you first hand (as can anyone that lives where the average snowfall exceeds a mere dusting), that 2 wheel drive isnt always going to 'cut it'!
Two of the vehicles got stuck trying to get to this guy. All but the last call was for 'stomach pain' and nothing that would clue the call taker, dispatch and the crews into the fact that the guy had a life threatening condition.
They TRIED to get to the guy!
Especially in these 'tough times', the city/county road commission isn't going to have the budget to get enough guys out on the roads to plow ALL of the streets!
Where I lived in Michigan, I was lucky to get my street plowed twice in one season, because it was a 'side street' and therefore wasn't a 'priority'. This COULD have been the case here, we don't know....
It's really frustrating watching these crews getting crucified here, and no one knows all of the facts! I personally think y'all are taking this whole "EMS eats it's own" too far!
Even the DOCTOR that called to check on them wasn't very 'concerned' about the patient's condition based on the minimal information given to him!
As far as the cancellations, the patient cancelled at least once! As for the other cancellations: right now, NOBODY on this forum knows WHO cancelled the crews.
All you people that are forming a lynch mob against these crews are running around half cocked, and seem to be making up stuff as you go along.
How about waiting until the investigation is performed before we decide that these people are even culpable? If the investigation turns out to show that they WERE negligent, THEN you can start tying the nooses, but until then, wait until the facts are in before you hang innocent people!