Last night I finished EMT-P school, Yes Dustdevil I am getting a professional degree - I just need to apply for graduation now since I already had all of my core classes before going into the program. My NREMT-P practicals are this coming Friday and written is in 3 weeks. Can anyone offer any advice on the written - not looking for example questions or anything, I am just looking for information on how deep I dug the hole I am standing in now. I have no fear of my Practical stations - in class I have never had any problem with them - 12/12 on statics, dynamics good every time, basic skills are no problem, IV/ET are not a problem, my Trauma assessments are very complete (Scored Instructor Potential on both written and practical ITLS exams), and Oral questions cant be but so hard (Field preceptors have always commented on a good presentation to my patients). But I am Stressing out on the Computer exam, Any pointers?