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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2010 in Posts

  1. Let me start by saying hello to everyone. I have been working Fire/EMS for the past 7 years. I have seen and heard alot in my years of service but far from knowing it all. I was recently given the option of taking on a brand new, fresh out of EMT school, employee at my current job. This guy is so green he is yellow...so to speak. The downside to this is that he is also just out of high school. That being said here is my delima. I have been training this person for the past 4 shifts. When I am teaching him things and using "constructive criticism" he feels as if I am getting onto him for doing something wrong. It has come to the point were he feels more comfortable going to my paramedic partner than me. I have had meetings between my supervisor and education and differences were worked out, however, he still continues to not come to me. What are some ways I can voice my reasons without making him feel like I am "coming down on him"??
    1 point
  2. Hi EMTCity! My name is Angelo and I'm about to start my EMT-B course at CCSF in San Francisco. I quit my desk job at the beginning of this year looking for something that would keep me active, learning and helping people out. I'm really excited about trying something so new. After I get certified I'm going to try and find a 911 job nearby and keep taking some fire science tech classes with the ultimate goal of being in the fire service -- but I'll worry about that when I get there. I'm also considering becoming a paramedic... but again, that's a while away now. I'll take this time now to thank you all in advance for all things you will undoubtedly help me with throughout this course. See you around!
    1 point
  3. Words from Kevkie a respected member of EMT City, but worth modifying (a titch) and re posting, you would never find this advice in a search. One could print that out and hand it to your "new partner" at the end of your next shift, I doubt it would hurt. Perhaps its too late in the process as their sounds to be a bit of a trust issue ? I would suggest that you ask the "trainee" to constructively critic himself and use "good listening skills" yourself. That said: If the trainee is ignoring your advice you are the FTO and this ain't farking high school its your responsibility to maintain high standards, even though some times one does have draw a line. Oh shucks where are my manners WELCOME to EMT City ... EMT FTO AND let us know (good or bad) how things turn out. cheers <reason for edit "addition of credit" and info for Dwayne he gets unglued if I forget that>
    1 point
  4. I used the cheapy ambulance stethoscopes for about two years and they were ok. But, I couldn't always hear a faint BP or eak pulse. So I recently upgraded to a Littman cardiology 3. got it for $90 from a friend who said it was two heavy for him. I can hear astronomically better with it, but I can also hear my partner murmuring to himself in the front seat of the truck haha. I'm quickly learning how to filter out background, and it has made hearing lung sounds and BP's so much easier. I also don't think its that heavy of a scope.
    1 point
  5. hey! my class starts on monday- and i am so excited! my original class choice was canceled for lack of enrollment, but, like you i am dedicated to learning this stuff!! i will have to switch my life around a bit to accommodate the new schedule- but it is so worth it!! good luck to you and i hope to hear more about your classes!! -sam
    1 point
  6. Quick update to my introduction: So I originally thought I would be getting into the EMT course at CCSF but as it turns out so did 40 other people and unfortunately I got sent home. Luckily, since I am dedicated to becoming an EMT, I had prepared a backup plan and actually got into the EMT course at Skyline College. We had our first lecture today and tomorrow we have our first lab: lifting and moving the patient. I'm pretty excited to put on my EMS pants and my "EMT Student" shirt for the first time!
    1 point
  7. Hi Angelo, Welcome to EMTCity! You will love it here. I have learned a lot and I just became certified in June when I passed my national registry. I took the class so I could help people and nursing on the same floor doing the same things every single day seemed boring as hell. But welcome once again and good luck in your class! Katie
    1 point
  8. Well here is my suggestion and it's along the lines of Dwyane. When my ex husband went to boot camp and when he went away I use to write the dirtiest letters to him. After he came back from those times away he always said thanks and now it time to make those stories true. If you cant seem to get it out on paper go buy a dirty book and find something to copy. Another thing if there is such a thing anymore is a cassette tape of you and the family, just hearing the voices of the ones you love will get you through alot. Hope it is a quick and safe trip for your hunny
    1 point
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