I'm also not going to let this gem pass as it wasn't the first time in this thread that I've been accused of ivory tower thinking.
How dare you? No, serious, how dare you? This isn't about fancy schools. This is about the rule of law. This is about the fact that just because we find it distasteful (because, as I said before, I agree that it's distasteful and a douche bag action) doesn't mean I get to push my views on everyone else. Furthermore, for how risk adverse EMS is, and rightfully so, I find it amazing that everyone seems so willing to put their life, liberty, family, and income on the line is to assault some jackass with a camera. What's even more sickening is that we're expecting someone else (the police) to do so, even though they'd incur greater civil and criminal penalty since they're enforcing your whim with their badge.
But I digress. If it's my "fancy schooling" that taught me that just because someone else is a douche bag that I shouldn't lower myself to their level, then so be it (I like to think my parents had something to do with that). If it was my "fancy schooling" that taught me that just because I disagreed with someone engaging in a legal action I need to physically accost them or run crying to the police, then so be it. Finally, if it was my "fancy schooling" that taught me to read (because, again, I've posted numerous court cases, and the discussion in the Boston ruling regarding the legal background for their decision is pertinent even if EMS providers aren't always public employees, but I guess you didn't read that section because, well, reading is hard?) and that I shouldn't ask the same question over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for no better reason than I didn't like the answer, then again, so be it.
...but I guess the answer is to be a thug (because your opinion on right and wrong is the only one that matters). So, fine, want to be a douche bag (like the person filming)? Go ahead. However when you be a douche bag to the wrong person with a camera and they take you to civil and criminal court because you decided to smack them, I hope you have a good lawyer on retainer because you're going to need him, and I hope when your family is living off the dole, you remember to tell them about how glorious you were smacking down some idiot with a camera, because that's obviously better than feeding your family.