PS: I think people have differences in opinion as to what constitutes "flaunting your sexuality in other people's faces." In my book, casually bringing up the fact that you're gay or that you have a same-sex partner (in the context of normal conversation) doesn't constitute obnoxious behavior. More conservative people might beg to differ with me here.
I agree with you on this - and basically your whole post
The only gay people I have a problem working with are the ones with chips on their shoulders who think that they need to scream to the mountain tops at work that they are gay. The types of people who get offended at you if you don't take them seriously and back them up when they feel slighted when someone doesn't support their lifestyle.
I actually worked with someone recently who is gay, she is out and proud but she is also very out and vocally lesbian. She makes it known that if you don't support the lifestyle she has, then she will go to HR and log a complaint of a hostile workplace. She is for the lack of a better word, very nasty to work with. Someone went to HR and lodged a hostile work complaint against her and it got really really nasty. In the end, both employees ended up quitting. i no longer work there but I just got a certified letter from a law office a request to appear on behalf of the lesbian in support of her case against the employer. I called the law firm and declined the offer. They told me they would subpoena me and I referred them to my attorney's office who I'm sure will tell them they will need to pay my airfare and expenses to Maryland which won't be cheap if they desire me to go, and I won't be a good witness for her anyway because she's such a bitch anyway.