some privates services are good, some private ambulance services are bad, someone touching your privates can be good, someone touching them can be bad. Depends upon the situation which is what you have with Private ambulance services.
I've worked for both, and let me tell you, it runs the gamut of which I'd rather have touching my privates. I had one service that gave me a 1K bonus at christmas and treated me and the group really really well until AMR Bought em and then they went to hell in a hand basket and the work environment just sucked donkey balls after that.
You really have to do your homework.
Find the crews parked waiting for calls and talk to them, get their feel and bring em water and that will help bring them out of their shell to open up to you maybe.
But again, you have to do your homework.
When you are doing your clinicals in the hospital, ask the hospital staff what they think of XYZ service? They will tell you.