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Everything posted by kgrescue447

  1. funny
  2. 2 of our brand new unit's have the on board intercom .i don't know what the exact name is .but when you have it on i drowns out the siren allot .but you can still hear your partner when he speaks and hear horn's and such and to speak to dispatch you hit a button on the side. the set up is simular to the one's on the fire truck..
  3. I like the sound of ligts
  4. OK if i read it correctly you are asking me what i have done to further my carrier . no i have not gone to college to be a medic .i do not want to be a paramedic at this point maybe one day i will change my mind as of now i don't want to be. and as far as training i train all the time once you become a prehospital provider and we get are (license-certification) the training never stops. all i am saying in the previous comments was that I do not diagnose out in the field .just like i previously stated we can treat for the worse case scenario . i did not mean to get any one upset and i apologize if anyone took it the wrong way i know there are alot of members here that have a ton of experience here . i just don't want to be called an amateur for being an EMT .i love what i do and if that takes me being a EMT for the rest of my carrier so be it . have a great day and be safe.........Chris
  5. amateur ...... far from it i have been an EMT for 6 years . that is the problem with some people on this board the medic's that is us emt's are lower life forms
  6. OK I'm a newbie here so forgive me and don't yell at me for putting my 2 cents in . i am an EMT -b i volunteer at a county squad with a 45 min transport with no lights or siren . in my squad it is up to the provider how we respond to the hosp. if i was like 3 min from the hosp i would have said to drive like normal. but this guy's issue probably just wanted to hear the sirens :shock: . but in a case like this it's hard to say how i would have handled it (not being there) . you did give us the vitals . seem pretty stable but like i was taught we don't deem a pt stable.what if a bls provider picks up a pt with hx of hypertension and her b/p is 118-72 just for saying and she tells you that is way to low to her norm .OK so i start to think what is the prob .just because 120/80 is the text book version of a b-p doesn't mean that a higher or lower b-p is bad in my opinion. once again i am new hear and i love this place just by the forums i read and all the good stuff i could learn ya'll have a good day and be safe
  7. me too i cant see it with out paying :roll:
  8. all vollunteers are not idiots . yea you do get some people that act like that emt-b and emt-p .. just didn't know if you are refuring to all vollunteer members or just some
  9. i got rescue squad tags that say EMI2L8
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