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Everything posted by courageheartx

  1. medicine hat college in alberta does but its not cma accredited as of yet.
  2. bariatric transport for up those tedious,flights of stairs.
  3. The punishment doesn't fit for any purpetrator commiting such violent crimes. It's not just in response to the RCMP officer being killed in northern Canada.
  4. and in contrary to what you believe, laws of muncipal,local, and federal are a big part of EMS.
  5. I didn't ask you to post in my thread.
  6. lol nice tattoo.
  7. one word: HOMO
  8. are you kidding?
  9. If your running a cardiac pt from one hospital to another and suddenly he has an arrest or goes into asystole,would you consider that and emergency? medical? are you providing service? this is deemed as a interfacility transport/hospitals having their own transfer services
  10. RCMP officer killed this isn't the only officer who's been shot at and killed.
  11. Needs to become a part of the canadian justice system. I think its pretty disgusting people can randomly kill officers or the law and get a slap on the wrist. None the less, what about the girl who killed her mother,father and 8 y/o brother and she gets 10 years? This country is starting to disgust me. How do you feel?
  12. :twisted: good job man
  13. yet another RCMP officer is has been shot in Canada. My prayers go out to the families. Doug was 20 years old and loved his country. He will be missed dearly. rest in peace. OTTAWA — An RCMP officer has been shot dead while answering a drunk-driving call in Nunavut, the second Mountie to be killed in the Arctic in a month. Const. Douglas Scott, 20, was killed at about 11 p.m. Monday in Kimmirut, a community of about 400 people on Baffin Island. Supt. Martin Cheliak told a news conference in Iqaluit that the alleged killer surrendered early Tuesday and is in custody. “The death of any of our members is deeply felt, but when once again it occurs in one of our close-knit communities in the North, the pain of that loss seems even greater,” said Cheliak, commanding officer of the RCMP in Nunavut. “With any death in a family like ours, it’s tragic. I don’t think that it’s really truly sunk in yet for all of our members, myself included.” Cheliak expressed his sympathies to Scott’s parents, who live near Brockville, Ont. “Doug was just 20 years old, but already had demonstrated his commitment to the RCMP, to Canada and to the community he willingly served in Nunavut,” said Cheliak. Scott was called to respond to a complaint of a suspected drunk driver about 10:50 p.m. Monday. He was last heard from at 11:02 p.m. when he called in to confirm he was following up on the complaint. “Shortly thereafter, V Division telecoms attempted to contact Const. Scott but received no response,” said Cheliak. At 11:31 p.m., another Mountie was told by local residents that Scott had responded to the call and that the impaired driver had crashed into a house. “Upon arrival at the scene, it was found that our member had been shot. At 11:45 p.m., V Division’s emergency response team was mobilized. “At 4:10 a.m. — early this morning — the suspect surrendered to police without incident and was taken into custody.” The suspect was taken to Iqaluit by RCMP aircraft. He has not yet been charged. An officer was killed in the Northwest Territories in October.
  14. fentanyl is 100x more potent than morphine apparently?lol :?:
  15. no really, LOL
  16. No,i just plug a cord into my occiptal region via usb. point. click. download.
  17. Is anyone in the community a career firefighter and paramedic? What was the educational experience like?how did you find the CPAT?PAT?Curious on what the experience was like for different individuals.
  18. Im not a Paramedic student yet,but if your really fond of Emergency medicine,check out any of the Lange physiology series books. Cardiovascular physiology endocrine physiology etc etc etc
  19. Wouldn't it be nice for a main office in Calgary with a testing centre and an office in Edmonton?hmmm up go the fees again.
  20. No valid DNR? Then the code gets worked. Grandson?What kinds of medical qualifications does he have to be making calls on who's dead and who isn't? Family wants the pt transported?Is that all?Bottom line,DNR isn't signed by the physcian. Assess ABCDE.neurological response,blood pressure. Agressive airway management. lights and sirens. call for an ALS intercept. Asystole on the monitor?hmmm. Was a shock advised?Continue CPR?possibly?no?yes?....hmmm
  21. Yeah,forget protocols and "official crap." I hope you don't make it into Paramedicine.
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