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Everything posted by courageheartx

  1. I know in Winnepeg you need to go through the winnipeg fire/paramedic school which is listed on the CMA website. A good majority of the schools in the peg send their students send their students to the U.S for practicums. None the less,its a very americanized city. Here's the link. Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service As for individuals in Canada,I don't know how the compentencies come together,but you can always contact their health region Manitoba Health
  2. The information you have posted is incorrect.
  3. Alberta?Claiming they have no resources or money for ALS in rural areas? Where is this?Curious
  4. Paul, Hope you have the best poker,beer and tits nights ever tonight!! and remember, GO FLAMES GO! lol
  5. I'm partial to this statement.....
  6. Here for interfacility transports within the hospitals,you need to hold a Primary Care Paramedic Cert from an accredited school or hold an Advanced Care Paramedic cert from an accredited school..... other than that....you need a class 4 license,immunizations,NAPD,BTLS,registration with the College Of Paramedics.
  7. I would think that the vests themselves protect your internal organs to a certain degree after a collision. Possibly glass or metal penetrating some of the vital organs in your chest cavity. Vests dont necessarily stop a blunt trauma from happening,but it will stop things I mentioned above. Don't participate in activites that would allow for this to happen. Or get a vest and run into a crowd with gunfire. The whole purpose of the vest and PPE is prevention. Yes?No? :wink:
  8. With the increase in violence and corruption within big cities and even in small towns I think it is a good decision to start providing Paramedics or any EMS providers with a ballistics vest. At $1000 for a kevlar vest,these vests are not cheap. Who do you think should pay? Tax payers?Should EMS agencies take up donations and fundraisers for providing our frontline professionals with the proper PPE they need?Possibly. I think either way you look at it, this should be an essential part of "kit" for the job and it should NOT be the obligation of the provider to provider him or herself with these vests. I have added an URL for this article I have found on JEMS. Take a look. What do you think? This has been a question in many EMS agencies. JEMS articles
  9. Are pre-hospital courses and classes considered write off on taxes?What about ACP exams and all costs that go with it? Just curious. Thanks.
  10. Wait,when the hell did this happen?Has it been implented as of now?When? :roll:
  11. England EMS....I have to research this one.
  12. co-signed. and this has nothing to do with my bitterness.
  13. I would do something in regards to immunology. Something like AIDS,sickle cell anemia,leukemia,hemophilia,high cholesterol etc etc.
  14. LOL...
  15. Posted: EMT City Administrator @ Sun Sep 16, 2007 6:29 pm Please use the report button if you suspect that people are posting nonsense just to get into chat. The 7-8 posts from people thinking that they are being helpful by pointing out that this is happening, is not. Just click the report button and leave the moderating to us. Thanks co-signed
  16. HUH? im confused?Register with Calgary EMS? So if I was a pt,and had diabetes,I could register saying I had diabetes and let the medics know before they come! I don't think so. We call these things Medi-alert bracelets. Correct me if im wrong?
  17. chuck norris eats lightning and farts thunder. enough said.
  18. co-signed & stamped
  19. Starting in the new year it seems all of the exams will be held up in Edmonton,Ab oppose to Red deer,Ab. I know it says it exam location will be TBA,but does anyone have an idea of where exams will be performed?NAIT?I don't think the ACP office is big enough but maybe they've moved. Thanks in advance.
  20. The issue isn't having sexual intercourse. The issue is having unpermitted sexual acts or performing them rather at work. It's ridiculous.
  21. Good job Dave. Have a cold one,you deserve it buddy.
  22. Thats because your from the durty souf. aint nothin but heat down there! i think jackets are pretty decent....in the winter you need them. in the summer i think a shirt and vest will do.
  23. ANY and most goverment agencies have surveilance. I think its a good idea to start putting them everywhere not just in visible spots.
  24. LOL@this thread. I mean come on if mating season was on,wouldn't you hear the calls of the wild by listening? Cameras are an invasion of people's privacy...but at such a place where females and males work,i would think there would be cameras everywhere except the washrooms. no?hmmmm
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