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Everything posted by WestSideBorderPatrol

  1. I'm pretty sure I know what company you worked for, and I work for them too. I'm sorry that you've been through all of this. Unfortunately these injuries occur monthly at this company, and you're not the first one who has gotten thrown under the bus. Get yourself a new lawyer who will put this company in their place, and hopefully make it a better place for anyone else who ends up working for them!
  2. Thanks for all the advice! You all really just confirmed my choice to continue on with my education, because really, EMTB's are a dime a dozen and it would be really difficult to live on that salary, especially if I try to pay for school later. Kate, I've been looking at Howard CC as well as Cecil CC. Howard has been really difficult in trying to contact someone about more information, and although they have a solid program, they are a good hour's drive from me not counting rush hour traffic. What are your opinions on AAS programs vs certificate programs? My reasoning is that having an AAS on top of my Bachelors isn't going to make me much more marketable. The skills are the same for both programs. The only thing that the AAS has over the certificate is A&P and other science classes (All of which I already have). Thoughts?
  3. Hey all, I've been on these boards for a few years now, mainly sitting back and learning from everyone, but now I have a question for you all. I've been an EMT-B for almost 4 years now; got my start volunteering doing 911, but since being in college my main area of EMS has been IFT. After much thought/debate/prayer, my heart is set on a career as a paramedic. It's the time of year where everyone at my University is lining up job interviews, going to job fairs, applying for grad school, but what should I do? Part of me just wants to be done with school for a while (K-12 and then 4 years of undergrad takes a lot out of you!) and jump right in as an EMT-B with the county fire department. While jumping right in as an EMT-B sounds good, I'm fearful that if I don't go back to school right away for my medic, then I will lose the motivation to do so. This might sound bad, but as I'm looking around for schools to get my AA degree as a paramedic, I'm being turned off by some of the prerequisites that they want me to take...let me explain. As an undergrad I took a variety of science classes including A&P 1 and 2, and some of these paramedic programs will accept my A&P but want me to take the prerequisites for A&P even though I already have A&P! It just seems backwards to me. Why take the prerequisites when I already have the class? So I guess my question can be summed up as this: Upon graduation, do I apply for classes in the Fall and begin my Paramedic studies? Or should I take some time off and work as an EMT-B? I feel like the answer is obvious, but any outside advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks! Westside
  4. While I do agree that stuff happens, if you hop/rub a curb AND cause damage to the unit, as the driver of that unit, you are responsible for damages incurred while you operate it. If you get into some sort of collision that in no way/shape/form is your fault, then you shouldn't have to pay for any of the damage. Really, the only times that we hop a curb are when we simply aren't paying attention, are in a hurry, or just misjudge our turn. None of those are really "accidents", since they all can be avoided. You break it, you buy it...or at least help pay for it.
  5. Haha, no it's not Transcare. Similar private company though. I agree with you that the punishment should fit the crime, and that the person's employment file at the company should be looked at. If they are an exemplary employee, and this was their first infraction, then firing is totally out of line. Dock them the pay to fix the damage and call it a day.
  6. I hit the curb at least once every month! I've never dented or scratched a rim, but I've definitely went up and over curbs before. Our company policy is that if you cause any damage to the unit, then it comes out of your paycheck. Not sure how much you pay, but I know of a few one co-worker who is still paying for a ding in the rear step that happened 6 months ago! Just explain that you hit the curb and honestly didn't know that there was any damage caused. Good luck!
  7. sacemt, I have the same problem. Online pants never fit right, and it's just not worth the hassle. I just go to Walmart and buy Dickies brand pants.
  8. Isn't Abu Dhabi part of the UAE?
  9. http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1050.html Sorry, I couldn't find anything on McDonald's!
  10. I'm really good at hiding from Dispatch...I don't think they would ever find me! But really, if we're on a call and they don't hear from us for a half hour, they'll key us up to check on us.
  11. I wore this one from Target for 6 months until today: ProSpirit® Fastwrap Digital Analog Sports Watch - Black $12.99 But soon after I bought it the second hand broke and just free-spun around. It wasn't a big deal since the digital seconds still worked. I go for a watch that has both analog and digital abilities. Analog is good for a quick glance at the time, and digital is good b/c I keep in in 24hr time to make report writing and telling time at work easier. Haha. Then today I bought a similar looking one from Walmart that is hopefully a bit beefier and will hold up. I like Velcro bands, but they do have a tendency to collect some funky smells after awhile.
  12. CALIFORNIA FIREFIGHTER LINE OF DUTY DEATH: DIES FROM A "MYSTERY RASH" FOLLOWING AN EMS RUN Thursday, December 17, 2009 - A Firefighter who died after responding to an EMS run, has died in the Line of Duty of a "deadly mystery rash" according to his FD, the Cosumnes CSD FD in California. FF Richard Ibarra, 42, died Wednesday at the UC Davis Medical Center. BC John Michelini says Ibarra was very healthy and the rash "destroyed" him. It caused severe internal damage, and doctors have yet to diagnose what it was. FF Ibarra was surrounded by his immediate family and his firefighting family when he died, according to Michelini. Ibarra has been with the Cosumnes Fire Department since 1999. He is survived by his wife and two young children. Memorial service plans are pending and we will keep you updated. As always, our most sincere condolences to all affected by the loss of Firefighter Ibarra. --------------------------- Condolences to his family. I hope that they find out what this "mysterious rash" was...Has anyone ever encountered a situation like this? How can we prevent this from happening? Better BSI I suppose.
  13. As a diver, this was an interesting scenario! Dive medicine is fascinating to me b/c strange and amazing things can happen at depth.
  14. Hmm, well aside from turning and running away, it sounds like you gave good advice. From what you described, I don't think that we have to worry about a AAA or anything, as it is too high up. I don't know if a sonogram would be of much help since the sternum is right there and there isn't much soft tissue. My BLS guess would be that it is either a vessel or something that she can now feel b/c of the weight loss, or she is just feeling her heart beat.
  15. 3 dead in medical helicopter crash north of Reno 4 hours ago http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-national/20091114/US.Medical.Helicopter.Crash/ RENO, Nev. — A medical helicopter crashed early Saturday north of Reno near the Nevada-California state line, killing three crew members aboard, officials said. The helicopter, an Aerospatiale AS350, crashed about 29 miles northwest of Reno in Lassen County, Calif., around 2 a.m. Saturday, according to Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Ian Gregor. All three people aboard were killed. The helicopter had dropped off a patient at a Reno hospital and was returning to its base in Susanville, Calif., Gregor said. The aircraft was destroyed in the crash and fire. The cause of the crash wasn't known. Gregor said the pilot was not communicating with air traffic controllers at the time of the accident. FAA and National Transportation Safety Board investigators will be on the scene Saturday. The helicopter was operated by Mountain Lifeflight out of Susanville, Gregor said. The company issued a brief statement confirming the loss of all three crew members aboard the helicopter. It was the second fatal crash of a Mountain Lifeflight helicopter returning to Susanville after dropping off a patient at Renown Medical Center in Reno. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, a Eurocopter AS-350B operated by the company crashed into Honey Lake, about 11 miles southeast of the company's Susanville base, on March 21, 2002. NTSB investigators determined the pilot failed to maintain altitude and said the smooth surface of the water contributed to pilot disorientation. The pilot died in the crash and two crew members were seriously injured.
  16. It's possible. In our bunk rooms we have the lights wired to turn on when we get a fire or EMS call. The ceiling has both fluorescent lighting and recessed halogen bulbs, and what they did was get colored bulbs to put in the halogen lights. They somehow have it wired so that the red and blue (as the colors happen to be) lights flash when we get a call. Its actually quite annoying and I feel adds undo stress to the already stressful process of being woken up at night by a loud alarm, and now flashing seizure lights. Best of luck though
  17. Today I: Lifted a 275 pound patient up 2 steps on the stretcher. That's the extent of my workout! Don't worry, you'll be fine. Like others have said, focus on your core and lift properly!
  18. I agree with JPINFV. I DON'T see a collar, but I do see an ET tube holder.
  19. When they ask you to hold your breath, it has to do with the position of the diaphragm and how it moves the other organs into a better viewing position. I asked that question when I had a US on my kidney.
  20. Thanks everyone! Crotchity, I think that the problem is with me, and with the teacher. The way it worked out, I ended up taking the same teacher both times because he was the only one who taught it during that semester. However, I know that there is a serious disconnect between me and chemistry. Its just one of those things that just doesn't "click". Also, the way the University works is that you can't attempt to take a class here, and then take it somewhere else. You won't receive credit. You attempt it here, you have to complete it here. I think that this summer I am going to shadow an RT at the hospital, I also have been talking to the paramedics I know. I have flown with the Medevac team once before for a shift and it was the most fun/interesting experience I've ever had. Kate, I'm on the eastern shore right now and the 2 school I'm looking at are CCBC Essex, and UMBC. I still have a lot of "soul searching" to do and I'll keep ya'll updated on the situation. I think that as of right now, I'm going to to continue at my current school to finish out my prereqs and then make a decision on transferring sometime in the Fall. Thanks so much guys!
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