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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. Generally I wear sneakers on most volunteer calls although I know the risks. Its usually because I end up riding shift at the last minute and cannot go home to get my boots in time since I barely make it to the building on time from work. My boots are usually work boots you can get at walmart. My current pair I bought at a military surplus store. It was the last pair in my size and was actually the display pair. I don't recall the brand name at the moment (if I heard it I'd recognize it) but they are the most comfortable I've had to date.
  2. In my city, when we have behavioral issued pts, 97% of the time PD follows in their unit. If the pt is a known combative or known to give EMS a hard time they ride in the ambulance and depending on the officer, will not hesitate or argue when EMS requests them to ride along. On private bls transport here, in my experience, if a pt is combative, the hospital usually medicates the pt enough to get to the destination. Few facilities have standing orders for hard leather restraints. I used to do psych transfers from one hospital to a psychiatric hospital they sent many pts to...that particular destination is one that only accepts pts in restraints and its the MD himself that signs the acceptance. One day I brought a big guy in there and the doc was on lunch taking forever and meds the sending hospital gave the pt was wearing off and he was getting restless shaking the stretcher. We started pressing on security to get the doc there faster because then you'd find us outside and the pt his problem.
  3. lol @ cock rings I hear they are quite fun...not that i know from experience...wouldn't object to trying new things...within limits of course :oops:
  4. I remember brinking a pt into St Luke's and we had to park up the street a little from the ER...The next day I was watching on the news that there was a manhole explosion outside St Luke's ER....I looked at the tv and burst out laughing becuase it was exactly where we had parked our rig the day before.
  5. I like Simple Plan...
  6. That may be based on certain areas...I can only speak for my own. My corps does not allow non members other than PD to drive our trucks and the "drivers only" members, of which we have 4, they are all trained, in the very least of first aid and cpr. They all are also on the city's fire dept.
  7. as i'm aware, titles vary by city/dept in my city, the FD goes by chief, asst chief, etc... and ambulance is captain, 1st & 2nd lts. In other cities, its either the same or they go by the FD ways of chief and etc. PD in my city is chief, asst chief, captain, lts, sergents, etc etc etc NJ is fucked up to say the least :roll:
  8. I don't know....For me, whenever possible we put inline...I have not yet come across a situation that there is a deformity or other. Hell, I'm a friggin white cloud here....4 years and only 2 full working codes. :roll: May be rude to say, but people need to drop dead more so I can get more experience... I do tend to get a lot of CHF pts. Cspines though....I've only gotten the standard neck/back pain where we board and collar based on the MOI.
  9. still very much used today...morely are ammonia inhalants... twice i've had smelling salts used on me...both times when i donated blood because i kept passing out afterwards. ammonia inhalants we use for the ETOHs a lot.
  10. Damn that was 3 min 42 seconds of my life I won't be able to get back :wink:
  11. From my understanding only the organization captian or chief can have a red light other than LEO. I know the police dept in my town had pushed through my captain's application for her red light permit.
  12. I will have to check this video out when I get some real internet. I had a reply I wanted to post in the meanwhile but I forgot it already. And yes the only whiners in HMOs are the patients because you have to justify every little thing for necessity to get insurance to pay. I have a damn HMO. It sucks.
  13. you're just opening up pandora's box there aren't you?
  14. Private ambulances here don't usually have local pd stations...In most of the companies I've seen, they have only 4 channgel radio for the state police, HEAR, medics, and whatever 3rd one they choose if they program it. If you are on municiple ambulance then you would have access to PD frequency...But i know, at least in my town, they get pissy if you use thier frequency.
  15. New Jersey...Bergen County... Route 17 North & South from Maywood/Lodi all the way up to Ridgewood :shock: Hackensack, Ave, Hackensack....During a major storm, a television reporter was struck by car while filming, hit and run Kinderkamack Ave can be bad too at times especially is Oradell. Ridgewood Ave in Paramus. Maywood Ave & Spring Valley Road by the mall. I can go on...
  16. Sounds very much like Bloomfield Ave in Newark to Montclair area
  17. I've done backup for the Meadowlands here in NJ...They like to contract out to volunteer agencies to cover events (concerts, football games, hockey, basketball, etc) that their EMS services cannot man. The biggest event lately was the Bamboozle concert...One of the facility doctors said after the first night "We got bamboozled!!" They were highly unprepared for the amount of people that showed up. The second day they had to call in for 3 more agencies I think. I didn't go... I do know that on the first day, there was a CPR. My captain from my corps was one of the people working that pt.
  18. If you are forced to take the EMT-B course...I recommend Mahwah or Paramus NJ...I know Paramus gets a lot of Rockland area residents for their courses... I don't know how much help they would be if you tried to call them for more information regarding testing. The Paramus website is: http://www.bergen.org/ems I always have a hard time finding the official Mahwah school website.
  19. :shock: Fraise shouts $500
  20. People tend to fly through life...
  21. MeekoBB


  22. MeekoBB


  23. That is possible....You can see shadows or major blur unable to be treated by eye glasses and be classified blind. You lost what you have and you're more blind than normal... My grandmother was sent to the ER for low hemoglobin....ER did nothing and sent her back several hours later.
  24. I took mine online. If there was a hot instructor for the course I'd probably would have made more of an effort to take the classroom lecture ..... :twisted:
  25. And at the same time, those who felt uncomfortable by his question and curiosity, however morbid, they were not forced to post their experiences. Everything you say and do on the forum is YOUR CHOICE. It's your choice to have responded with your memories. It was not forced.
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