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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. It wasn't my call, but its an incident that is still talked about in my city... There was an Italian feast going on in the streets and a fight had broken out amongst the people...One guy broke a glass bottle over an off duty cop's head who was trying to stop the fight...The broken glass shattered and sprayed into the face of a young boy standing nearby. After the boy was bandaged and brought to the ER, the doc unwrapped the bandaging and asked if they boy could see anything...He calmly answered "No, only a shadow"... From what I've heard, he never did get his eye sight back and that he had been a hopeful for the football team in his school that had a real shot at going somewhere.
  2. I was dispatched to the Med Center ER for a "transport".... Obviously confused (we were 911, not a private company), I know we definately sounded confused on the radio as we quietly made our way up the street... 3 people...a fat lady and 2 of her male friends called 911 for a transport home. :evil: WTF....we tried being very polite telling them that we cannot that they would have to call a private service and pay for transport. In a busy city like that, we couldn't take the chance that if we're carrying this whale up the stairs and dispatch calls us for a mroe severe call (ie, chest pain which we did get exactly 30 minutes later)... Umm no...call a taxi. Bu-bye
  3. How's that working for ya?
  4. SURE!!! Come into the chat see join the conversation about dolphins and trojan!!!
  5. Which always brings me back to the question...why am I working here?
  6. I am sitting at work posting this from my cell phone. I am bored out of my mind as its currently fruitless to bother looking at the phones when they ring as there are 3 other panthers in the office that pounce on it before the first ring even stops. So with that said, I am just kicking back, legs resting on the cpu and chillin'. So I ask of you... Post in my thread here with something amusing to help me pass the time in my little corner of the private bls institution office as I stare at the walls waiting for the ceiling to collapse on the office staff and then sue the owner for failure to maintain property.
  7. I'm 22yo and I've had 2 back injuries exactly 1 year apart. Both primarily from lifting. The first one had a little more to it because the weather was bad and in the middle of a snow storm and was the more severe. Its definately not an easy field for the back and body.
  8. Ok, I've already attacked windsong for a post she's made already and she and I have settled our dispute, but this is ridiculous. I thought this post was cute. How many times are posts like this made, attacking (in a joking manner) the other sex? Terri has posted I don't know how many and you all dont attack her like this. Geez :roll:
  9. Geez....I was able to understand his post.
  10. They should be mailing you a rejection letter identifying the areas you did well in and poorly in. Yes the test is confusing. And there often is more than one answer. Just brush up on a lot ofyour basics.
  11. She edited it....at least now it makes sense in the form of a joke. :roll:
  12. What in this green earth are you friggin talking about here???
  13. My city is constantly changing their ID ways....I still have my old photo ID saying that I'm a member of the volunteer corps for the city but still in the same way says that I am a city employee. We recently took photos for new IDs that has a barcode to scan in the instance a MCI or some catastrophe occurs. Personally I prefer the photo ID because sometimes I use that as my secondary ID to my drivers license, ie cash a check. That is in no way wackerish... It does just seem to be more professional. Just because someone is volunteer doesnt make them a wacker. MANY volunteer EMTs and first responders worked in many MCIs and catastrophes such as 9/11 and came in quite useful...and in situations like those, a sturdy PHOTO ID is much more sufficient. But forget what I say. I'm only a basic. :roll:
  14. Dispatched to residence for an assist...Elderly male wanted us to pick his pants up from around his legs. Hx of Parkinson's. Dispatched to residence for welfare check...Handicapped bedridden female dialed 911 because she was excited that her daughter was coming to visit. Another crew dispatched to residence for "medical"...Get there and there is an unbearable stench in the air...PD on scene notices dead flies on window sill (doesn't meantion it til later), Pt, wants to go to ER to get his legs checked out...He said he doctor told him 3 months earlier that his legs had gangrene and would need to be amputated. Pt didnt schedule surgery b/c he thought it would go away. He did his own bandaging...papertowels & duct tape...Crew was not willing to remove bandaging because the stench was so horrible...At the ER crew chief gives report to RN, "Elderly male w/ gangrene to both feet"...RN "How would you know it's gangrene?" "It's gangrene! Would you like to SMELL??" RN starts to approach pt in a huff, gets a wiff, and put pt in the resp iso room. The poor clerk started to come into the room to get pt info, gets to the door, gets a wiff, "I'll be right back", and returns wearing a mask. After the crew started taking bets if there were maggots inside....Sure enough, they return later with another pt and yup...maggots.
  15. MeekoBB

    What the...

    Brokeback Mountain
  16. That will only work if the person is a complete idiot...I've had that done to me and I'm 5'1". I got up on top of the rig quickly and got my shit back... I'm usually sitting on top of the box at most of our public events.
  17. I was chatting with a friend in the chat room and was recommend that I post this on the board that a few of the 'experienced' members here would be able to assist me more on... Now, the paper I need to write has to be based on a US Hx event AFTER World War II four to five pages long. Now, this friend suggested to write about "Trauma White Papers" & the Hx of EMS. I was just doing a quick google search before I head into the shower, and most of the links I found ended up being broken. I was hoping someone may have active links to articles or know some BOOKS regarding this area. I am very interested in this topic and I'm confident no one else in my class will come close to this area. Thank you, Fraise
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