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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. Aside from the routine answer of brand new equipment and new trucks, I would opt for contracting a respectable school/training center to come in and regulate employees' training and certification. That way the properly assessed/trained staff would respond to the 911 runs we receive and be able to provide the level of care expected and not some greenie straight of school standing around waiting for their partner's orders. Any service can strongly benefit from proper courses and training....routine training. In NJ the refresher is required every 3 years, but if a private company mandates it every year for employment by a certified instructor instructing the class in house. My training & safety supervisor is -- okay -- but can be better. There are sooo many courses available that would also benefit the EMTs (and maybe even the MAVTs) in the company.
  2. There is a hospital near me that doesn't want a large majority of their patients boarded regardless. It's really crazy, though in certain cases they do accept it.
  3. The other night I had my pager on for the hell of it (home bored) but wasn't intending on responding and ALS was dispatched to my city. We usually deal with 2 particular hospitals and a different one was dispatched to my city who NEVER NEVER comes to our town: DISPATCH: 701 did you receive your page? 701: Negative --- wait a second --- just received --- --- --- is this a joke? DISPATCH: Uhh 701 confirm your location, GPS may have frozen 701: Location Rt ** Southbound DISPATCH: 701 no joke - respond to 123 XYZ CITY
  4. Just don't watch the video Kermit was watching :shock:
  5. The only facility I know on a W NJ Ave is Elmora Hills, Elizabeth NJ
  6. I KNOW those addresses and its eating at me that I can't remember the names! :evil:
  7. I actually find the site helpful in following my CEUs and current certs. NJ EMTs get mailed the initial letter with login/password. I never got mine and called to have my account reset.
  8. That site if for current NJ certified people. Username is the ID number. And you need to call to have your password reset.
  9. mediccjh recently went through NJ reciprocity from PA...you can ask him about the procedure. I know NJ recognizes NR.
  10. I've been called a racist by drunks plenty - and in my city we have enough homeless polish so it's interesting because i'm polish (although i do not speak it). I've also been called a racist bitch before, way back when i worked at mcdonalds. we were in the process of doing the closing duties and a black couple came in, i was busy with the ice cream machine draining the tubes and couldn't leave the machine. the lady still standing several feet from the register said rather loudly and rudely "I want a fishhh sandwich"...i told her she needed to wait at the register and someone will be with her in a moment. she got even more bitchy and said she "been standing at the register for 10 minutes" ...uhh no she just walked in .... i took a deep breath and trying to keep my cool because i was also frustrated with the ice cream machine that she struck a nerve and i just politely snapped back "and the registered says CLOSED" and grabbed my buckets of creme and went to the back and yanked the manager out of the storage to tell hm of the couple in the front. on their way out she called me a racist bitch....i just stayed int he back helping the grill people clean up til they left...
  11. Not so much funny with the patient, but just my partner and I's reactions... Dispatched to a year old stabbing (thinking wtf?!) -- o/s pt raises his shirt to see the scarring, I asked PD desk to cancel ALS, -- get the guy in the truck where its a little quieter and now I hear wheezing...umm? My partner and I looked at each other with bug eyes and he threw his scope at me for lung sounds while he dove for the oxygen. Wheezing in all fields and he's presently with moderate distress now, which he masked outside...Partner starts vitals and i climb in the truck and ask the desk to get ALS back (who thank god said she hadn't been able to call them yet) so I asked to let them know our route when they call in the city -- ended up passing them, we look at each other pointing to each truck like "we here for you?/you our medics?"...i jump out and give report and definately ended up as a workup (it was a friend on that crew so i knew we was good) i will definately need to think of some really funny ones i've been on...
  12. I'm at a loss with my limited knowledge and would definately like to know before 2pm so that it can settle my partner's and i curiosity.
  13. Suboxone is Buprenorphine/Naloxone.....used to treat dependency... Has she had some sort of opiod/narcotic addiction? Is she going through withdrawal?
  14. I wouldn't necessarily rule out seizures because you can still have seizures without classic convulsions. Initially I thought dehydration from personal experience with N/V & muscle cramps. I'd start a KVO line monitor the pt and contact med control.... (btw, my partner at work and I are just discussing this and he;s leaning more towards seizures) Also, any recent traveling for her, or other activites out of the ordinary? Outside much? Maybe working around other chemicals? Okay, more discussion here at work - leaning towards clotting. DVT sounds good.
  15. MeekoBB

    Epi in NJ

    Whoa, let me get this right...did i actually say something right?? :shock: Personally, my opinion, as minute it may be, I see epipen administering as this in my particular area---- am i comfortable with my patient's airway/breathing until arrival of ALS or arrival at the ED?? I have 3+ hospitals within 10min to my city and few times, and 97% ALS is either on scene prior to my arrival or Very close after I get to the patient. My assessment of the airway runs faintly along the "choking" assessment. Are they coughing with sounds? Speaking? Their is still air moving, although not adequately...does it warrent epi? Not always. Where's my ETA for ALS? 5 min? Let's move, and possibly rendezvous, but not waiting and I'm hesitate on administering such a powerful drug. If I feel the patient will not hold their own prior to ALS or ED, then I would push it, but not before. On that end...it ALL always comes back to your assessment. Are you sure it's an allergy? Anaphylaxis is serious, but not all SOB is that...There is asthma, anxiety, etc which all can also mimic symptoms of one another in some presentations. Ie, pt with hx of asthma, with SOB...is it automatically asthma? Add in from that nagging SAMPLE - pt had say...shrimp for the first time tonight...is it asthma or allergy? Wait...where did our empathetic side go? Coworker only said pt just returned to her desk after a meeting with the boss...hmmm... It's all proper assessment and if you don't have a systematic approach, and in some cases you may miss something. Patient Assessment should be reenforced in every recert stronger. ETA: I'm speaking/thinking from a BLS POV.
  16. I'm constantly on the road at work...(Only base is where we punch in/out and leave/take our trucks - and we aren't allowed to stay there during shift). I have a broadband card for my laptop and I know where a lot of the wireless hotspots are in our 'staging' areas.
  17. That monster looks like UMDNJ's CC truck :shock:
  18. :shock: That is awesome :shock:
  19. MeekoBB

    Epi in NJ

    So far since epi came on trucks, a doc reported at a recent lecture i attended, that he had like 5 pts come in after injected with epi, 3 by bls who injected because of "possible" allergy to something, and 2 emts who accidently stuck them selves. ohyea, epi on trucks in great! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: my truck hasn't used it yet, but its great because we have 3 members who have personal epipens for serious allergies (all latex) and if we cant get to their access, we know we have on the truck.
  20. With all due respect Dusty, in my area there are a number of CNA's in facilities that get paid the same, if not less than what the 'ambulance drivers' make. And yes, I could not do that job. I honestly cannot handle cleaning a patient's fecal matter. As soon as I had learned that was part of their job (when i first started this field) I very quickly stopped my search for a cna course. I do give them much respect and in some facilities I value their opinions and evaluations of their patients more than a few nurses. But every facility is different and finding the ones with employees that actually value their jobs are hard to find.
  21. Maybe he doesn't get their "emergencies" because his service isn't contracted.
  22. If teachers are allowed to have cell phones on their self for "emergencies" then so should the student and for the exact same reasons. It is rude and disrespectful for those students that are choosing to be in that classroom and paying for their time (ie, Ruff's situation).
  23. :shock: :shock: :shock: oh snap! :shock: :shock: :shock:
  24. Medic2588....geez ruff, you should have known, he's always throwing his shameless plugs about his books around.
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