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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. Where is Devin? He has a short tale from one of his books just like this...
  2. Respectfully, I think this one tops it.
  3. LOVE IT!!! I was dispatched to a facility for choking...got there, there is another one of those retarded CNAs trying to shove mac&cheese down the patient's throat who is also laying supine on the bed. Now I have a tendency for speaking before thinking and immediately I said, "Here's a thought! Stop force feeding the poor man and sit him up and he won't be gagging on the food!"
  4. Hmm....My first patient ever was a stabbing victim with a pipe :shock: First patient on 2nd volunteer agency: father of a family friend - yea that was awkward. First paid ambulance patient: I think was a hospital discharge :roll:
  5. If you listen to alot of music, I suggest taking your pharmco notes and record them to CDs or iPod and listen to that wherever you go.
  6. That's my medic book!!!
  7. See, as much as I get disgusted reading that line, it is still so true. Which makes it even more pathetic.
  8. Well then, someone can make up a fun name for me???
  9. Well....You two would have to decide who is Hera, but one of you can be Zeus, the King of Gods & goddesses (that is if you're into mythology)
  10. my class recently had a brief lecture on caponography....wouldn't that help in decisions too?
  11. I dont think he was. Read in the original post, she stated the pt was normothermic..
  12. What other post? I'm still lost.
  13. The equation Ruff mentioned reminds me of my job, but I do know that the company I work for has 1 truck dedicated to 911, and stays at base. There is "usually" EMTs around base to jump in the truck to respond.
  14. Okay, now i'm lost. What exactly is this? I just posted in the paragod thread. now with 2 like threads, I'm officially missing the punchline....yes i'm that retarded this morning.
  15. Can you be a medic student and in the club? I had a few runs over the past week on my private transport job that my partner and I debated about calling medics, and after I stated my reasons why I wanted them (so far stating facts I learned in class), he's like you think you're a paragod already. I said no, I'm not. I'm just a student, and if I was certified already, I'd be a ParaGoddess, now worship me. He caught the joke and we moved on. Working with him again today so let's see what soapbox topic I can rant about :twisted:
  16. You know, I was just reading through this scenario and there were areas that kept nagging that voice in my head that I've read this somewhere....then the word regurgitation popped in my head just before I scrolled down to find the dx of AMR. Another interesting part in my head at least, when I read about MR in my patho book, not even an hour later I had transported a patient with the dx of MR to go to another facility for cardiac catherization. I saw the mitral regurgitation on the paper and was like "Oh!!! I know what that is!!" I think I freaked the unit nurse out :roll:
  17. Where do I sign up to have my ovaries removed?
  18. I do intend on getting a tattoo at some point, but I would not place it where it would be inappropriate for work (such as exposed arms, chest, neck, face) (the tat i want is going on my lower back.)
  19. MeekoBB

    Epi in NJ

    My volunteer agency is supposed to be carrying them soon. Our medical director signed off on it and All of our members have to be inserviced on them first before the captain will put them on the trucks. I have never encountered an anaphylactic reactio yet and any 'allergic reaction' or respiratory call I've had the medics as needed in adequate time and 3 hospitals all within a very short distance.
  20. I myself posted an article in regards to the state report...You may find it under General News and within it another Jersian posted the direct link to the report itself.
  21. I really just skimmed over the thread, but if you want to make 911 all ALS level, and at the same time preach in other threads that Basics should gain some experience before going on for intermediate or medic (such experience you don't get working transport), then where do you suggest these noobs to go to for the said experience? The way I'm reading this is going all ALS even takes away the limited experience and training (unless you actually have a really good preceptor) that volunteering provides.
  22. It really depends on the local officials and school...In my city, if the mayor signed off on you being released from school for an emergency run in the city, you had to be 18yo. We had 1 firefighter in high school 18 and the mayor stated that when the tones go off, if he is in town and not in an exam, he is an employee of the city and allowed to be released. I don't recommend leaving school for a call. You're there to learn, especially high school. If you're in college, its your decision, but I would clear it with your professor first so they know you aren't just skipping out of class.
  23. What i'd like to know is how the hell did michael find this site??
  24. Word. Get dispatched for difficulty breathing to a SNF right next door to the ER....Dispatch clears you to use L/S. Walk in to find the pt supine in bed and a CNA trying to shove day old macaroni and cheese down the patients throat....Here's a thought! How about stopping force feeding and sit the guy up! WOW!!! What a difference!!!!
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