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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. JP hampcp said it in the 2nd update iwth the patient int he first paragraph that the partner returned with the hosemonkeys
  2. I agree with dust about looking for work while continuing schooling....however, in my experience I have bad bad luck with newbies on the truck with me (was out 2x on injury because my partner didn't know what they were doing). Just be very careful out there...and keep your skills up.
  3. Dust is absolutely right, why get it, if you don't need it? I used to have my NR for basic (NR was used as the state exam for a VERY short while), but I let it lapse because I had no intention of moving to be able to work as a basic elsewhere. When I get my paramedic, I do intend to eventually get my NR as I do want to move out of NJ, but I'm not in a rush for it, and few states do not recognize NR. For some, it may just be easier to go through the reciprocity procedures with the state instead of taking the NR test.
  4. Old topic. Use the search feature. Discussed, argued, and the answer we will never know like how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie pop center 8)
  5. :shock: bad bad dust!! :shock:
  6. One of my personal faves... People like you are the reason people like me need medication. And yes, I will definately use a few of those soon!
  7. die thread die
  8. Yea what he said.
  9. I am trying to locate the following books for my paramedic course. I don't mind used (as long as they are in good shape). But some of the prices are insane!!! REQUIRED SEMESTER 1: Emergency Care In The Streets (just ordered) Advanced Cardiac Life Support Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support 6th Ed. Advanced Medical Life Support 3rd Ed. ACLS Spiral Handbook Pass Paramedic Video REQUIRED SEMESTER 2: ECG Made Easy 3rd Ed. ECG Made Easy Study Cards 12 Lead Art of Interpretation Pediatric Advanced Life Support Pediatric Emergency Pre-Hospital Provider 2nd Ed. Geriatric Emergency Medical Service OPTIONAL BOOKS: (Semester 1) Why Driven EMS Enrichment Dictionary for Allied Health 5th Ed. Emergency Care in the Streets Workbook (Semester 2) EMT Paramedic Review Paramedic Refresher & Review *some stuff had been repeated for semester 2, thus left out* Now, I just noticed a couple are very affordable, but I just left them in because I'm going to bookmark the thread to use as a reference back when I go to order many of them later.
  10. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    summer rottened eggs
  11. Lol, okay, next time, look for the URLs with IMG not S202.
  12. Devin, to post pics, you can register at a free service to host them (such as photobucket.com, imageshack.com) then click the little above the entry text area here and insert the url. You do know what a url is, right? :wink: Interesting article. Can't wait for the pics.
  13. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    exploded into rainbows
  14. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    Kyle got beaten....
  15. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    the poop shoot!
  16. And to top it off....they were NOT at an emergency when these vehicles were ticketed or in the process of towing which is SAID IN THE ARTICLE.
  17. WTF does having lights in POVs have to do with it? Lights in POVs aren't reserved just for Hatzolah the way you are making it sound. I can have lights if I want. Parking illegally eh? If there is legal parking available why don't you try that first. I've had run ins with the same local service involved in the complaint. The ones I encountered tend to have an attitude toward other services and LEO. When you give attitude the LEO won't be very cooperative with you. AND I've never heard of a special plaque issued by the state to park illegally. Show us the gov link showing they exist because I would really like to see that. I'm sorry but I side with Passaic PD on this case.
  18. Yea, I looked at the tour dates, and the 2 NJ shows are nowhere near me so I'm out.
  19. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    who were naughty...
  20. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    chocolate nips and
  21. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    broke the bed....
  22. I like weiner dogs....
  23. I should know this. We've had bus mvas here, train derailments, etc...
  24. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    over when Terri
  25. MeekoBB

    3 Word Story

    went wild for
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