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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. Not bad, but the Ranger video still kicks ass!
  2. UGH!. I posted it like that so it would catch the attention of those in the "clique" in the area where the good majority of the threads are. True I dont have to read them and I haven;t. HOWEVER, seeing half of them on the scroll on the main page is just retarded. I may not post a lot on these boards but I do read. As I said, I understand it's all in good fun. But OVERKILL geez.
  3. No I don't want one on me. I just find this whole thing retarded. Do you all need 10 threads bashing each other. I understand its all in good fun, but geez overkill is overkill.
  4. Can we ease up on these bashing threads....It's a sick of seeing them fill up the scroll. :evil:
  5. 80% I have no problem going where the pt wants. 10% are drunks. They are going where the cops and crew decide. 5% are psychs. You got no choice there. 5% I ain't going into NYC, AC, PA, or any other hospital more than 10 miles away, outside of my county and neighboring, or out of state. DEAL with it. Call a private service to take you to Columbia Pres for your stubbed toe and watch your insurance kick it back. Regarding treatment...I've had a few patients, retired RNs, retired paramedics, who were ACTUALLY AWESOME patients (and a few super know it alls asses who wanted us to do stuff that we were not capable of and call was not necessary for ALS). Had one once that I honestly froze up on scene from seeing the injury but the pt was calm and was cool and I just turned into a robot while doing what he told me to. Then I finally snapped out of it and we were laughing and joking all the way to the ER.
  6. Write a letter to the person(s) who are currently causing you slight irritation, or grief right here, right now. This is the place to let out the small annoyances, you might not find thread worthy. Go!
  7. I voted "Yes, but I usually go to the closest ED anyway." because most of the hospitals around here have cath labs already. The few that don't also are capable of stabalizing the patient for a CC truck to transfer. I know of 2 hospitals that transfer out but they also have trucks on standby the second they get a cardiac patient in if they need to be transferred to another facility.
  8. YOU ARE 7% WHACKER!!! NOT AN OUNCE OF WHACKER IN YOU. A LITTLE WHACKING IS FUN, TRY IT SOMETIME!!! BUY A BLUE LIGHT, OR PUT AN EMT STICKER ON YOUR CAR. YOU NEED MORE WHACKING IN YOUR LIFE. Regarding scanners....I have my squad pager and when it's either set off by our tones, or put on open air, I can hear ALS dispatching since we are on the same frequency. I counted that as a scanner since I like to listen to what's going on in my city because my officers tend to come to me and ask questions about things and I listen to make sure our crews don't get too retarded on the air. Oh and sometimes I do wear my uniform out....usually when I'm on duty that night, or I go to sit in on city council meetings. Without those two options, I am... YOU ARE 0% WHACKER!!! NOT AN OUNCE OF WHACKER IN YOU. A LITTLE WHACKING IS FUN, TRY IT SOMETIME!!! BUY A BLUE LIGHT, OR PUT AN EMT STICKER ON YOUR CAR. YOU NEED MORE WHACKING IN YOUR LIFE. Edit to Add: I do also have a very makeshift first aid kit in my car....mostly 5x9, 4x4, sterile water, peroxide, and bandaids galore. I can't even begin to say how often I've used it.
  9. Every year in January my agency has a dinner paid by the city where we do awards for silly stuff like Darwin's Awards, the Coverage King (one of our members covered like 2 shifts a week on top of his primary for almost the whole year), we had a member that was in the hospital for more times than we can count for anaphylaxis (latex allergies, was in hospital for transport pickup and they were using latex paint and neglected to make notices). We give out the serious awards too. certificates and pins for members that served 5 years, CPRs, we rarely get child births as we have too many hospitals too close, we usually get there just in time for the ER to take credit for the bundle of joy. But through out the year we do a variety of stuff.... Last year we went horseback riding, every august we hold a Luau (sp?) for members as a combo party/member drive. Our carwash is mostly a wash for us....we eat and drink the earnings away the same day I tried planning a theme park trip for this summer but we have a few who like killing the joy. So i scrapped it and cancelled it. Phuck them all.
  10. We have spider straps but we don't like using them because they are time consuming and a pain and the ER is scissor happy. easier and more secure IMO with cravats. cheaper too.
  11. My volunteer agency uses all 3 straps plus shoulder straps when needed. We have a few members who will not tie a pt to the backboard and use the stretcher straps. I will not. I hate dealing with the ER so i tie the pt down with cravats as the ER is scissor happy. I've ridden with paramedics who just will take the straps off and let the pt ride without them on. I keep going to put them back on, just loose so the medic can still do his work. I HATE them being unrestrained. And the short boards....what are they used for again?? we have shit in the rig that we weren't taught in the course.
  12. Where are they getting these "quotes" from these handles....not here I hope. :scratch:
  13. There is one medic crew here by me that sometimes have the pt drink the D50. I was taken aback by it.
  14. I have a myspace acct that's set for private, and even then i don't have anything that offensive up. Hell, the 2 pics i got of myself are me holding a way too sweet shirley temple and another of me hiding under a blanket.
  15. Oh I've done that at my old job.....saves A LOT of time, but we did a lot of routine transports.
  16. My emt-b course cost $160 with books, but i also had my cpr when i enrolled. paramedic will cost me around $6000 that i'm questimating at the moment.
  17. okay first, long time no see coyote, you should come into the chats more often. and second, I love that!!!
  18. mmmmm starbucks......
  19. I agree with the others when they say to go for 911. You really can get the the same experience with both regarding equipment. In 911, there is 1 piece of equipment you use more than anywhere else...your brain. I've done transport for the past 4 years and hate it. Yes, you do get a lot of patient contact but it's more a neutral situation. You work with other people, police, paramedics, and you can learn more then in transport. BTW, are you a basic or paramedic....in your original post, you say you are a new EMT and in your stats to the side, you call yourself a paramedic.
  20. My squad as an old braun and we are looking to get our new ambulance from braun....in their quote, they offered to restore the old plumber truck braun ambualnce we have. P&L Custom and Road Rescue SUCK.
  21. I work for a private bls service and help out the neighboring volunteer city with day time calls that the city pays $20/run.
  22. by unstocked, i mean linens. and when they do use something, they don't replace it. i do a quick rig check because i get a regular rig and i know it inside and out and can tell when something is missing.
  23. The service I'm working for (again) has employees that suck...They leave unstocked trucks. When I come in I rush for a quick rig check before I go out on the road. When we use the BVM on calls, we swap out at the ER, they give us one as most of the hospitals we go to they sorta pseudo like us, god forgive them. Every facility I go to, I try to stock up on linen. Becuase we generally start the shift with 1 sheet and 1 blanket. So every space we can we stock...I also try to secure extra o2 portables. One of the nursing homes are nice to only few crews (I'm one of them) and allows them to take as much linen as we want. One hospital I swipe a box or two of their small gloves because I like them and they are comfortable. One of the ER nurses also lets me take them knowingly...she is also one our regular paramedics and is a total sweetheart, even when she yells at me for my constant dehydration.
  24. Awesomely said. FAC are awesome whiners too but in my squads case, both our services have the same enemy and they are trying to help us with resolving umm issues with the common enemy. But in many ways, FAC is a farce and its own members will agree.
  25. First....NJFAC is for Volunteer agencies and is more of a 'membership'. It is not mandatory to follow their guidelines. The city I volunteer for only became a member is the past few months. We had not been a member of their organization for about 10 years. They offer support services for volunteer agencies. They do require at least ONE EMT (in the back of the rig) as a minimum. They still are not permitted or advised to pull a rig without an emt. There are some cases where the squad has arrangements with their ALS responders that as long as they can get a driver to pull the truck, they will transport with ALS in the back. Municiple and commercial services operate under STATE guidelines. Second...There is a state office for ems in NJ....WEBSITE
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