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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. I refused a transportation once.....I was working a private transport service and was called to a nursing home. They wanted us to take a 400+lbs patient to a hospital where there are 3 closer just so she can have IV meds. I didn't refuse because of the distance...Hell I would have taken the patient to VA if requested, I refused because there was NO WAY our service was capable of her transport and I told the supervisor, ours and the nursing home's. Even if we left the stretcher at the nursing home and shoved her on the floor, she would not fit and the lift of the coach van was not wide enough for her extra wide big boy wheelchair, not that it could handle the weight. Besides, we were still baffled that they got her into the room in the first place. We advised they would need to call 911 and request the assistance of Rescue.
  2. My squad doesn't have it and it doesn't bother me....we get other "perks" like covering Meadowlands events and getting to see concerts and sports games. The Meadowlands gives us discounts on tickets. Other than that, I'm happy......well as happy as a cynical secretary can be.
  3. moncock sucks..... i have very few encounters with St Joseph's paramedics and now that I help out Elmwood Park in the daytime, I see them a little more. They are awesome. moncock sucks.
  4. Not ambulances humping but still damn funny and would be funnier if posted tomorrow...
  5. $370
  6. MeekoBB

    Gary Busey

  7. Yes,..idiots on both sides.... How many times is it where you're bringing in a CPR and some moron asks what his vitals are... :roll:
  8. this all reminds me of an incident not long ago... a long ER is cutting back staff and we brought a pt in (frequent flyer) who is known for not taking her meds...we brought her into the er and before i was even given the chance to give report, they scoffed at us and was like "don't you know we're on critical divert??" I replied, "Hmm yes, and she's not critical." mind you the ER was COMPLETELY empty and half the lights were off.... not even a week later (on New Years Morning) we brought a drunk who was high on something in to the same ER and the staff was wonderful and laughing with us.
  9. NJ is back to full state exams...they do not give the dual cert anymore as of December 31. There are still locations that offer the NREMT if you wish for the the cert.
  10. http://www.fasco-csc.com/index_e.php recommended order of completion... crimson room viridian room white chamber
  11. [web:20a3cb648e]http://www.northjersey.com/page.php?qstr=eXJpcnk3ZjczN2Y3dnFlZUVFeXk1NyZmZ2JlbDdmN3ZxZWVFRXl5NzA2NDI5NCZ5cmlyeTdmNzE 3Zjd2cWVlRUV5eTI=[/web:20a3cb648e]
  12. Jackass :roll: :roll: Imagine that 911 call
  13. In my town...anytime PD dispatches to 800 River.... 98% of the time it's Walter, or a homeless community resident...When dispatch is "Across from 800 River..." it sucks because then unless the pt can walk (and climb) up the river bank, we need to call rescue in with the stokes.
  14. MeekoBB

    Lift Test

    Hmm, what do you do in tight stair wells or spiral stairs? That stair WILL NOT FIT in a lot of houses in my city. We still keep the old Ferno stair chair on board. My city updated our rigs for 1 1/2 mans however we still have a rig and spare stretchers that are 2 mans. My issues are with people who have no clue about what to do. What happens when the release at the feet jams? You need to use the side release and I've worked with people who do not know what to do from the sides at all whatsoever.
  15. :shock: :shock: :shock:
  16. MeekoBB


    My family would probably be the same way :roll:
  17. Okay it started out funny but made me sick real fast.
  18. Me thinks Bushy had a few too many bananas himself...
  19. I got dispatched to an elderly lady at home with elevated temp and shortness of breath...She flat out refused transport (her family called 911)... My partner and I explained that as long as she is oriented and of sound mind we cannot force her to go, even though she really needed to...Amongst the questions he asked was "Who is the current president?" She said Bush... okay... "which one?" She turned to look at us and said "Does it fukking matter??" but she knewit twas the son. But she was right on ball with all the questions and we asked a lot and repeated a few.
  20. Me...ambulance....2x Once at each job that I worked on the road. :oops: And honesty it was amongst the best I've had. I wanted to take home one of the spare stretchers...
  21. MeekoBB


    My volunteer corps has Captain, 1st and 2nd Lts. as far as command of crews and procedures on the road. Then we have president, vp, treasurer, & secretary for the building and administrative side. On scene, its our corps officers that take command unless we are involved with other orginzations like FD where we each keep to our respected areas and check in with one another. With ALS, they pretty much command pt care but our officers are still there because lately we been on the outs with a few als units.
  22. RN what do you do when you can't VIEW a picture? right click...?
  23. rn.....the text in the pic is....nm
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