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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. "Bilbo Killed My Baby"
  2. I wish our company had something like that because I took a call for a transfer from one facility to another and we had the staff measure the pt and all the necessary doorways atboth places...pt was 50"wide and doorways were about 40". Pt was 600lbs. :shock: I'm glad I was off the road for that one
  3. i posted something similar and muchbetter then this one last year
  4. okay i managed to get to 19 :shock:
  5. Still on 17
  6. *tosses bushy a banana*
  7. For level 3, read it out loud, slowly.... the _ is what you are looking for
  8. I'm stuck on level 17...
  9. we're not talking about sex per say....its a topic of a product in combination with other purchases to make the cashier be like Hmmmmm???
  11. Stuck on 10.
  12. I'm still stuck on level 5 :evil:
  13. I would have probably did the same thing....This same topic came up on anther forum I frequent. Shock/Fear factor does work. I know.
  14. The first 2 levels were easy but sadly I'm stuck on level 3.
  15. http://www.weffriddles.com/level1.html Read the rules carefully. Heres a messageboard dedicated to these riddles. There are hints for those who get stuck. http://z11.invisionfree.com/weffriddles/index.php?act=idx I'm currently stuck on level 3.
  16. The way you play the Box of Condoms Game is you have to come up with one item (or more) to take to the register with a box of condoms to make the cashier raise an eyebrow. Example: *Condoms, Spatula, lard, and a whole chicken. (Preferrably live.) Top it off with some Jager. What would you bring?
  17. The stretcher wasn't even on the ground rolling...they were carrying it. And I saw that video a long time ago.
  18. I think you watched a little too much Beavis & Butthead
  19. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
  20. Kinda reminds me of the scene in Something To Talk About with Dennis Quade....his character's wife cooks a meal giving him pretty much food poisoning after discovering he's cheating on her.
  21. I wouldn't think so much, unless its the paramedic(company) or the hospital that went to the papers....if it was the pt himself or his family that went to the papers with the informations it wouldn't fall upon HIPAA.
  22. I'll cook dinner... Hmmm.... *pour lots of laxative syrup into spaghetti sauce* Hmmm.....
  23. 1. Yourself: pissed 2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: none 3. Your hair: medium 4. Your mother? whore 5. Your Father? where 6. Your Favorite Item: cellphone 7. Your dream last night: ummm 8. Your favorite drink: coffee 9. Your dream car: jeep 10. The room you are in: dark 11. Your Ex: online 12. Your Fears: everything 13. What do you want to be in 10 years: Happy 14. Who you hung out with tonight? alone 15. What You're Not? happy 16. Muffins: banana 17: One of Your Wish List Items: stability 18. Time: 1912 19. Last thing you did? cry 20. What You Are Wearing? clothes 21. Your Favorite Weather: 60 22. Your Favorite Book: drama 23. The last thing you ate: turkey 24. Your Life: depressed 25. Your Mood: depressed 26. Your friends: who? 27. What are you thinking about right now? future 28. Your car: saturn 29. What are you doing at the moment?: read 30. Your summer: uneventful 31. Your relationship status: alone 32. What is on your tv? off 33. When is the last time you laughed? when? 34. last time you cried? before 35. School? right
  24. I've done that a few times...It was funny later because I'm so short and sit very close to the steering wheel in my car....2 big tall guys that I had to relieve on calls a few times ended up driving my car back....one guy said that he felt like he was in a clown car the way he scrunched himself up. In other cases, we've even taken another rig to meet one on scene or rendezvous at some point. Most of the time, we do wait it out and let the crew finish their call.
  25. Just tell us.... Honestly, I don't know what half of those abbreviations mean...So I have no clue what the last post indicates. Hopefully I'll get in the medic program for next fall....geez.....
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