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Everything posted by MeekoBB

  1. vitals? i'd suspect something with the brain of course..... cva/tia maybe? without any signs or suspician of trauma, it would have to be organic. Also, any relatively new traumatic EVENT, loss of someone, or other type of accident?
  2. Medical hx, medications, does he play sports, and if so, recent head injuries?
  3. If you read the original post more closely, its obvious he wasn't aware of his HTN until the PA just pointed it out to him after looking back at previous visits. Yes, he should have asked them what his BP was each time. I do, and I TRY to get my grandparents to do so and to write it down. But if PA or Doctor never pointed it out to him that he could have a serious problem, what's he to think? Early friday morning, I went to OccMed for a followup and my BP was 130/90 which is high for me, I run around 110/70 normally. Wednesday it had been 114/76. I make sure I keep track of my own hx best I can. I would recommend to get a new doctor in any case...That was a HUGE slip up on a most obvious indicator of something that can be wrong;.
  4. Same as everyone else... I try not to play into the pt's delusions, however, there are times you must... Recently a crew had a paranoid schizophrenic (had been diagnosed by DR), and thought everyone and their mother was after them...Crew tried assuring the pt but their attempts initially failed and played into their story a little bit telling the pt that they were taking them to a secret witness protection office that is located in the hospital that only EMS knows of in case of special circumstances like that pt's.... They had no problem the rest of the trip. That same hospital uses 4 pt restraints only when a pt is combative. Its difficult to deal with psychs. I had to transport a discharged soldier who was suffering from PTSD after returning from overseas. He was telling us stories about what he saw and dealt with there and I just couldn't find any words to console him. It is a shaky topic psych pts.
  5. What I'd like to know is where did HIPAA come in here? The original post was a news article...News reporters aren't bound by HIPAA and the way it looks, the pt/family appears to be the ones that went to the papers with their story...
  6. You bill your patients then you lose your not for profit status. Its been tried near me. A lot of residents despise it because for the most part they cant afford the $300-$1000+ transport.
  7. :shock: :shock: :shock: Yea thats what i'm sayin! But I think he may be referring to Jersey City.
  8. An allergy is an allergy and can get serious...Just because its concerns sexual matters you all make jokes about it. :roll: Imagine if that is you and your SO that have to go through that.
  9. Mind you that person probably went back to her collegues to laugh at the stupid question you asked her.
  10. So true... Also I've experienced the woes of 3 different companies up by me...I actually think this current one is the worst as far as attitude problems from managers to employees...yet it is also one of the highest paid BLS services at $13.50/hr for EMT.
  11. Devin... Quit whoring yourself out! **I'll purchase a few books from you dammit!**
  12. As did I... He's a jackass... Simply...
  13. Slightly off topic...This reminds me of debate I had with a former coworker who said that we CANNOT put O2 more than 2-3 LPM on a COPD pt after we we dispatched to a difficulty breathing call w/ hx of copd. We got into so much that we brought it up to our supervisors...Everyone told us that you treat what is presenting, you do not treat the hx....pt c/o diff breathing, you provide O2, and if the copd was that extreme to just be ready to bag the pt. Treating the hx is what the doctor's job is.
  14. That's ambulance chasers for ya.
  15. Q: Doctor, before you signed the death certificate, did you check for a pulse? A: No. Q: Did you check for blood pressure? A: No. Q: Did you check for breathing? A: No. Q: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you signed the certificate? A: No. Q: How can you be so sure, Doctor? A: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. But now that you mention it, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.
  16. Meh...That STILL is in effect today. 2 hospitals here I gotta pick up the bat phone before they open the doors. All the rest of the hospitals with the exception of 3 you must press a code to get in. Usually the code is 0911 or 911...I recently went to a hospital that had decided to change its code since the last time I was there...It had to either repulsive or amusing watching me chase down a security guard who saw us and turned around while the pt is on the stretcher with my partner screaming in pain from a kidney stone.
  17. Had a baby approx 8 mos a few weeks ago that knocked the cooking spoon outta mom's hands and splattered hot oil on herself...The superficial layer of skin on the top of the foot was removed...We got on scene and the baby was screaming....We smiled happy that we heard the screams even before we saw the pt yet. We wrapped the foot best we can with the burn sheet as the baby was screaming and kicking. Enroute baby tires herself out from all the crying so i had to keep prodding her to stay awake and pinching her good foot to wake her and induce more screaming. Yup! 99.9% of the time its the stair chair...and usually when we have a heavy pt.
  18. MeekoBB

    So Cute

  19. Lol, At my ambulance corps' yearly dinner, a neighboring city stole reindeer antlers headband from one of our members that was given to her as a Darwin award. Since then, one of our members tends to occassionally go on the radio, when the particular member is on shift from the neighboring town and says in a deep creepy voice "we want our antlers!" or simply "antlers"
  20. Still my favorite story from the book is you driving the wrong way by the tunnel and a guy holding up a clipboard in front of your face saying that NOW he recognized you. Still funny sht in them books there Hmmm, I **know** I say stupid sht all the time. I make myself look like a fool with half the things I say because until it dawns on me what I said, I'll be dead serious...then I laugh at myself. I honestly cannot think of anything right now because my head hurts so much.
  21. I used to know someone, who was a 'wacker's wacker'...He went and bout a pickup truck and had it redesigned for a first responder/rescue truck. He even went as far as to get it certified as one through his city...Mind you, this is his POV. He had everything but the heavy equipment & O2 on the truck...He bought a stair chair, backboards, etc...This was basically a non transport mini ambulance. :roll: Did come in handy as he had passed a major MVA and no EMS was on scene yet. But That really is extreme. I carry a box of gloves. I would like to keep a first aid kit in my car, like a mini jump bag minus the O2. I do have a scope & BP cuff at home I don't use that sits collecting dust. I got it when I was more active on the ambulance but now...looks as if my volunteer corps will be closing its doors within the next year. So I am just planning on getting my recert soon, then working for awhile before I look for a new volunteer corps to ride for.
  22. Actually Connie, I wouldn't want to be in your area with a policy like that....I do not recall nor have I ever heard if EMS had a problem with a pt that PD transports during my training course. That is just opening a huge can of worms for a lawsuit. There is a reason why there are restraints on the rig...for violant pts!!! And you want to CYA? Have your PD transport WITH YOU. PD can restraint the pt and provide safety while you medically care for your pt... In which case....a drug/od pt....Are you going to have PD transport because those can get violent as well, however, its also a medical based call....What are your protocols there? I've transported a pt, approx 30yo male, about 270 lbs, solid muscle, who had used, LCD, PCP, & Angeldust. That was an interesting call with 3 ems personnal and 4 cops restraining him to get his limbs tied/cuffed to the stretcher to provide transport. Having a violent pt like that in a single manned PD car would be EXTREMELY unsafe. PD transported in the rig with us... I do not recall if ALS was with them because I only took pt info from PD as the rig had too many people on it.
  23. Shoulda been a gyno dr..... Now that's comedy right therrr I don't care what you say!
  24. Psych or medical...a patient is still a patient and to be treated and transported by EMS. You feel you're in danger and want PD to transport? Have PD with you IN the rig DURING transport.
  25. Wow :shock: I just read this thread today and now they are talking about this topic on the radio!
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