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  1. Wow..thanks all...I did speak with NJ EMS in recent days which helped me to clairfy alot of unanswered questions. However the word on the street up here Canada is that they've allowed Canadians in the past to take their tests. This basically all comes down to PCP education and cert. up here is a higher skill set than that of a EMT-B. The state of NJ will only recognize other 50 states EMT-B cert or NREMT-B cert. This means I will have to do the EMT-B state cert. once I'm down there which is about 20 steps back and a waste of time in order to complete my ALS cert at a local university hospital. I digress, why NJ, my future husband is NYPD and lives on the boarder of NY and NJ on the NY side. From rumor there is better employment opportunities on the NJ side?
  2. Anyone have any information...has it been done before. I'm not getting a straight answer from NREMT. Need it to complete EMT-P at local hosp. once I move to Northern New Jersey, Rockland County, NY area????
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