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  1. Thanks, do you practice in the BC area?
  2. What I think would be great is if there was a canadian medic to bounce some of these questions off of. As for the science, if you learn the kidneys for example down to and including GFR, tubules and such, is this the kind of depth you are talking about, or is there something else, also, the underlying reason I am asking these questions is because I want to make sure that if my knowledge base isn't adequate I want to make sure it is.
  3. My question specifically was what would the Canadian Medics be taught that the US medics would be lacking in? Again, being program specific, our program was rooted in pathophys, and the process, not learning how to pass a test or a practical station. Looking at the numbers, our program would rival any of the programs, except for the Ontario program at 1600 hrs didactic, curious as to the required clinical hrs? Again, just trying to figure out what kind of knowledge difference between the Medics. Some examples would be great. Also, were would you find a ALS paramedic program that takes 6 months? Me thinks that is a tad to short...
  4. Interesting topic, I have read several times in this tread that it seems to be a "shot" at paramedics who are trained in the USA. Can someone please share with me why this is the case? Some specific items in regards to education would be great. I am Canadian but am trained in the US, and am NREMT-P licensed. I am fairly new to the forum so please bare with me. I understand that your education is determined by not only your school, but also the student themselves. So why is it that I see many times that the Paramedics in Canada see themselves as superior to US Paramedics, looking forward to some replies.
  5. I am Canadian, but am trained in the US, I am in the process of moving back to canada and trying to get licensed in BC through the EMALB. It is quite the process.
  6. Thanks for clearing it up, I wasn't trying to be confrontational, but am fairly defensive when it comes to people looking at every program in the US as inadequate. I also know that every paramedic that graduates thinks his/her program is the toughest in the land. The proff is in the pudding. With your time on the forum and apparent experience, how does our program stack up?
  7. Hello Dust, here is the quote, it is not verbatum from what I put on the original statement, but is what it infered to. "Like most Americans, you're probably thinking, "well that sucks! I learned all that stuff in 4 months!" You didn't. They don't train paramedics in Canadia. They educate them. Whereas you spent most of EMT school learning skills any third grader could master in a weekend, they spend that one or two years actually learning a good bit of medicine, and assessment skills that are unheard of for an American trained EMT", My ACP program consists of: Didactic= 1152 Hospital clinical= 450 Field= 350 Our field clinical is done at a 110,000 call volume area, I saw on one of the posts that they do 1500 hours of field clinical, is this correct?
  8. Fairly new to the forum and have been using it for education as I am a new NREMT- Paramedic from the US, but am a Canadian and looking to move up to BC. Comment is directed towards Dustdevil, how is it that you can summarize every paramedic program in the US as inferior to Canadian programs, have you research every program, as some of them go well beyond the stated requirements, also to anybody else, please respond with the amount of hours Didactic, and clinical you had to complete for your ALS program so that we can compare apples to apples, thanks. Great forum for discission.
  9. Thanks for the quick reply, I have the forms needed from BC, I was wondering if anyone from out of country has done the process, thanks
  10. Hello all, I am new to the forum and am sorry if this has been asked before, I am Canadian but am living in the US, we are moving back up to Canada in the near future. I will be graduating with national registry paramedic in December, can anyone tell me the trials I face ahead to get licensed in Canada, namely Alberta and BC. Thanks
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