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    Rayne Louisiana
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  1. Well seek medical help!!! I have been an emt for four years and just this december i have had a back injury and i have not worked since. Most days I cant get out of bed. Physical Therapy helps. ie..muscle relaxers and pain meds (but that is not a cure all). I love my job as an emt but my days on the truck are pretty much done. SEEK MEDICAL HELP is my advice don't wait it wont get better on its own.
  2. I am curious about this. My company has started hiring Joe Blow off the streets with no know how to be drivers. Their thought is that they just need a medic and a driver to deliver patient care and get to the hospital. In my opinion it is not right. Does anyone know is that even legal? And would you want to be to or from a call by a non-ems partner to and from a call?
  3. I feel that they are still a patient and should be transported by ambulance. As for as for the safety of the crew I think you should be allowed to restrain a patient IF needed to provide for your safety as well as the patients.
  4. NO! I don't think it should be. Because at some point it was important to the patient even if you think it was bull. Or should I say know it was bull.
  5. will you please
  6. [/font:2c5c39c6f8] I have seen a lot of t's my favorite is "feel safe at night sleep with a paramedic" right after i passed registry my brother sent me one that i sleep in it says "Caution the person wearing this shirt is and EMT been known to come when you scream and may remove clothing for further examination." not to hurt his feeling s i sleep in it. oh one more i actually have is EMS what is a nice girl like me doing in a place like this.
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