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Wow, don't even give him a chance to get used to you or anything. Just come right out and prove what an as*hole you are. Do you just want people to stop joining EMT City? Scare them off.. Hey newbie, not everyone in EMS is an as*hole. Maybe admin should limit the site to paid and career personnel only, since obviously those of us career EMS personnel who choose to volunteer on our own time, are hurting the industry so much. If my volunteering on the side keeps people like you out of a job, then I'm damn proud of that.. Because it's your outright negative attitudes that make EMS look bad. In my daily passings, I meet very few people in EMS that are as negative as those on this site. How about you stop making people think this is a job that is for a precious few, because the more people that leave it, the more that will be needed. Then, you won't have much choice, and the politicians and educators dumb down the courses to fill the empty jobs.. Companies go bankrupt, and where does that leave the people that need us (EMS as a whole)? Back to death in a ditch? Don't try to enlighten me Rob, because I'm not listening. I'm just here wasting the time that I set aside to waste.
I'm going to need documented, and notarized proof, that no doctor, no teacher, no nurse, and no trash collector on the globe, does any work at all, and does not get compensated. I will need written proof from every single doctor, teacher, nurse and trash collector, that they either spend their time getting paid, or they spend their time, not donating any of it, to something related to their profession. This also includes all activities on their time off, that would be considered a voluntary position, where any degree of work is being done. Boy/girl scout troops, church functions, litter pick up, PTA, fund raising of any kind, etc. I feel, that EMS as a whole, would be better off with less a$$holes, than less volunteers. I've seen volunteer crews do a better job, on all levels, than career staffed EMS. You see, EMS has made a baby boom, locally. We have four career EMS teams in the area, 17 paid/staffed ambulances, ALS and BLS. There are eight volunteer ambulances. At least six of the volunteer ambulances take every call, with in a reasonable time. Two haven't responded this year, because paid ambulances are so close. HOWEVER. I hear at least once a day, a volunteer ambulance being called for mutual aid, to a paid service. Why? They can't afford to pay for more people. After the paid service has three ambulances on the road, the other three can only set. All the other manpower is out doing transfers. They realized you can't make enough money, if every ambulance service goes paid. So, they have to do wheelchair and stretcher van transports. So, there the people are, back to waiting for an ambulance. If you eliminate the volunteer service, who bills the same as the paid service, someone has the potential to die, while another paid service drives twenty miles to get to the patient. And we're back to square one. Paid service was always paid, all three, it started as a business, stayed a business. There were enough calls. Now, there are A LOT of calls. Too many for them to handle, not enough money. You can't get blood from a stone, no matter how much you beat on it, or sue it. I think, if we push New Jersey into the Atlantic; eliminate volunteer services in Sub-Urban, and Urban Areas; and those that are not up to standard (set a national standard), EMS would be okay. You can't just say, volunteers get paid to create jobs, or get rid of them. Do you know how many people would die, despite your supposed figures, if you replace large volumes of services, with one paid station? We would be back to square one. I wouldn't want to wait a half hour for an ambulance if I had a medical or traumatic emergency, I wouldn't want my family to wait that long, and I wouldn't want or expect any or yours to wait that long. It happens. If your uneducated guess and plans were adopted right now, with out knowing for a fact that every volunteer is under educated, poor, dumb slobs, EMS would fail. People that were five minutes from a competent, well equipped volunteer service, are now forty five minutes from an understaffed and drawn out paid service, and they will be dead, before you even get on the interstate.. I'm not going on facts, but I know where I live. And I know that based on fees from billing, only one service could afford to pay people. If every service folded, and this one service became staffed 24/7, with ALS, it would be great. For people in that town. For the ones that live thirty miles away, that may or may not have had a response from their own ambulance, they aren't much better off.
de·bate (dĭ-bāt') v., -bat·ed, -bat·ing, -bates. v.intr. 1. To consider something; deliberate. 2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. 3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument. See synonyms at discuss. 4. Obsolete. To fight or quarrel. v.tr. 1. To deliberate on; consider. 2. To dispute or argue about. 3. To discuss or argue (a question, for example) formally. 4. Obsolete. To fight or argue for or over. n. 1. A discussion involving opposing points; an argument. 2. Deliberation; consideration: passed the motion with little debate. 3. A formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams defend and attack a given proposition. 4. Obsolete. Conflict; strife.
Oh, I just love those.. I think I saw those gene's at Abercrombie, but my question is.. Do they come in red? Oh my gosh, it's just dripping with..... sarcasm.
Your just pissed b/c I actually posted it, and cut out all of the words except two.
If you bought the hand "E", or the "BIG" Shears.. Chances are, YOU NEED THIS!
I didn't know the Galls show room sold condoms..? They probably have tissues though. [align=center:0605a17907]WOWZERS MY 100TH POST! [/align:0605a17907]
I had to delete my post, because I'm not allowed to reply.
Deleted because people are too sensitive.
They were carrying the stretcher wrong anyway.
I have a sense of humor.. You do not. I'm not taking this as a serious infraction of whatever rules, and I'm not concerned for the jobs of those shown.. Because I don't care. At all. Not one bit. It was dangerous, funny, and everything else.. You can worry about. Does AMR know? Probably, this video has been around for well over a year. If they don't, I'm sure you will tell them, and point out how bad it makes EMS look, it gives all of us a black eye.. My eyes aren't black. Shall we kiss and make up, do you want me to kiss your ass for an apology, or will you realize that it's okay to disagree with the opinions of others.. rather than beating your views into them, you just let it go. Insult me. I don't care. :hippy2:
:flower: Flower power farm troutman, peace out