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Everything posted by alpha23958

  1. I have one of these:
  2. How's it go? - 25 for digging up an old topic.. and -10 more b/c it's about Jump Kits..
  3. Oh, come on now, we still love ya! Not everyone is perfect!
  4. I was posting for a another unit that had a LDT, and was tapped out for a possible OD. As for what we would be facing, the possibilities are endless, so we assumed the worst. This town has a serious drug problem, METH being high on that list. So upon arrival, I was thinking that it was recreational or prescription OD. We found a 41 y/o/m pt, a bystander stated that he had taken 10 Lortab 10/500, 30 Phenergan 25-50mg pills and had consumed a large quantity of ETOH. However, the pt was still C/O/A X3, and said it had been 2 hours since he had taken these meds. So, we placed the patient on the monitor, IV, O2 by N/C. V/S stable, with no respiratory distress. While enroute to ER pt began to show signs of an altered level of consciousness. I gave him 1mg of Narcan and prepared for the recourse. Unable to perform a RSI, in case of respiratory depression, I would have to request orders from OMC. I pushed just enough Narcan to maintain respiratory efforts, b/c I also knew that the Phenergan would increasing the effects of the narcotic in Lortab. As I thought, he woke up and proceed to kick my butt, while at the same time, vomiting. What a thrill! So we get the pt to the hospital and have all his med bottles. It was discovered that his recently filled Rx for Lortab, was missing 180 tablets. Along with several other meds, the physician assumes he took a lot of Hydrocodone with the Phenergan, and even more Acetaminophen. That has to be the most I've heard of a patient taking. I would like to know what you have seen and done for similar pts with this condition. Thanks Chad
  5. Pro: It's an enclosed box with heat, ac, lights and a siren.. It takes people from Point A to B, but sometimes C b/c B is on diversion. Con: It's a Demers. They are ugly as all hell.
  6. You suggested she not go to the ER, and made her refuse? Or She didn't want to go, you didn't talk her into it, and she signed off anyway?
  7. With what sounds like a nasty TBI, I'd his injuries were not compatible with self-sustaining or prolonged life. Cardioversion may not have hurt in this case, what's on the monitor doesn't tell all. Were the complexes comparable to a pulse, I mean were they profusing or non, something like PEA? If you find him DOA, let it be; but if there is a chance at getting him to an ER, viable or not, at least they have the chance for organ donation.
  8. Looked like an AMR rig!
  9. First president.. yes.. First vice president? Even I don't know that, and my mental status is okay.. prolly.
  10. That's awesome! PSA's that have impact really drive the point home!
  11. You see, in the US, if it isn't done by the book-or the way the patient seen it on TV, and it hurts the patient more, they sue your ass. Long as she isn't doing too bad, slow your ass down, and wait for the rescue. We don't load and go very often, best to be careful and not aggrevate hidden injuries. I'd collar her, maybe some O2, don't go overboard on the class room stuff; KED the patient, and wait for rescue to pop the door. Then put the board under her bottom, and slide her a bit. Have a guy control the legs, and move her onto the board. Or.. you can try popping the door w/ a haligar bar or a wreck bar.. what ever you carry on your rig.
  12. Adult O2 Tank, Reg, 2 x NRB, 2 x NASCAN, 1 x Trach mask Pedi O2 Tank, Reg, 2 x NRB, 2 X NASCAN, 2 x Infant Mask, 1 x Trach Mask, 1 x simple mask Nothing else.. just O2 kits.
  13. Supposing it is not an amputation, just a severe laceration; I'd cover it up really good and then either zip on an air splint or an elastic bandage to hold good firm pressure. If it needs a tourniquet, life or death, use a tourniquet or a cravat and a pair of scissors.. don't use a BP cuff.
  14. rotflmfao.... ouch.. oxygen.. my face actually hurts from laughing.
  15. Fuck it all... Me
  16. I won $500 on an instant lottery ticket while on duty.. woo hoo. That's it.
  17. Do you look like this, when you're angry?
  18. It's all true!! What, have you had an overdose of Vegemite?
  19. At intersections, Look both ways, A harp sounds nice, But it's hard to play. Burma Shave
  20. Well, I'm not going to let someone die just b/c I'm off duty, but I'm sure as hell not going to walk up to a scene yelling my list of certs. I have a nice little Atwater Carey 3.0 kit, and if it can't be handled with said kit.. that's what an ambulance is for. Stoppage of bleeding, cpr, etc.. is just about all I'm willing to do "off duty". If someone asks how I knew what to do, I tell them I took a first aid class.. which is basically what we do. An Advanced x 5 first aid class.
  21. Just go to a military surplus warehouse, and ask for a case of Keller Blakes, and four cases of cravats.
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