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Everything posted by alpha23958

  1. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA The only way our personnel will know if there is radiation in the air, is if we see a blast, or actually start to die. Although we do have some CDV-717's in the cellar w/ the FCDA stuff. As "First Responders", I always have a personal feeling like we are the government's canary. What does that mean? Are we all caught up on our mining history? If the canary dies in its cage, its not safe to be there, so someone else comes in with proper protection. That would make an interesting firehouse.com cartoon; a bunch of firemen and medics in a cage, being held my the long arm of Uncle Sam!
  2. So we should drop cascade cylinders on Iraq? That'd be an interesting way to clean out the firehouse...
  3. Is that a helmet, or an Afro?
  4. The first one I pick up, is fine with me.. But it has to be neon green, because that has better acoustics than red or blue!
  5. It's true. The First Grade Council is fucked up.. Where "Human Trash Collector" really does make sense, as your untrained driver also mans the municipal trash truck.
  6. What the hell is a smelling salt? Oh, I didn't see that.. So that's what the hell it is. Still lost. I have a bottle of spirits of ammonia, it actually smells like lemon oil, but it clears the sinuses. I fainted in high school from a fever, and the dumbass "nurse" used one of those crush inhalants. I would define it as an aeromatic punch in the face. Nasty, over-powering crap.. If you don't have an instant head ache, or vomit on the odor of it, your lucky. I was always told not to use them b/c they can trigger a violent wake up, since we can't diagnose the reason for their syncopy anyway.
  7. Really? Now you have someone to play swords with, T-Rench!
  8. Until they start making them from the same stuff as bouncing balls, don't get one. They don't bounce. I seem to recall cowering over mine, kicking the pieces off the street when I hit a manhole cover at the wrong angle. :evil:
  9. So much for job security... They wanna replace us with robots and computers already!
  10. Well, just look at the photo of the owner on the first page of their catalog... Dixie EMS; A Division of Dixie World Wide; Also see Dixie Foods, Dixie Supply, Dixie Hit Man Service at Pier 23 The ower is pictured with a very large, VERY LARGE, diamond necklace; it looks like it may weigh several pounds; and then she is in some expensive white outfit. My first thought was, oh great, this stuff is going to cost an arm and a leg.. But actually, it was very reasonable. They had a website, it was supposed to be back for the 2006 Catalog season, but it is still offline. I think they may have sold off some stuff, b/c I bought 15 & 36" Morrison splints (those orange ones) on ebay in cases of a dozen. Instead of Morrison, I got Dixie EMS splints, the guy had all Dixie stuff, and it looked like he took his pics in some kind of storage thing, like those PODS they advertise..?
  11. Yes, of course, her husband did it! He got in the car and fled. He was told by a neighbor that Becksdad was coming over and playing dressup with her, so he put coral snakes in the closet! By golly, you solved the mystery!
  12. Dixie EMS, in Brooklyn. I've ordered from them before, I think it's run by the mob, but the prices are good.
  13. To which I reply; "Oh, so your the one that pays my salary, you cheap ba*tard" Then, we leave, forging her signature on the refusal. She'll be dead soon anyway; her husband will come home and find her with Beck, dressed in her clothes and kill both of them.
  14. http://www.answers.com/crotchety&r=67
  15. Buy them donuts and pizza.. They'll love you forever.
  16. Say: Why the hell couldn't you call a taxi, since you were going to drive to the ER anyway?
  17. I like popping discs, and the twitch in my eye when I'm stressed... or maybe I just love it all so much that I can't explain it. Oh well, its gotta be one of those.
  18. I think/hope that's supposed to be funny, because I'm laughing my ass off.
  19. Well, we do carry shovels...
  20. It makes me nauseaous just trying to read it...
  21. It all starts with the basics... Not the basic EMT's, or whatever.. The basic skills. We all have them, no matter what abbreviations follow your name.
  22. When the shift changes at a nursing home.
  23. Transporting 100 miles, with a pregnant female who has had seizures? Don't you have helicopters in Canada?
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