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Everything posted by alpha23958

  1. Same at the squad from hell..
  2. if you.... Never want to see an ambulance ever again.. b/c of all the bullshit and politics in the way of modern EMS.
  3. Can't treat it, if you can't see it....
  4. I just sold an E&J (Erickson & Johnstone) Resuscitator, one of the Lytport models.. In fact, it was exactly the same as they used in The Townsend Act of Emergency. I bought it from an old Civil Defense cache in Henry County, Illinois. I bought two new D cylinders for it, got new masks (the rubber part) made custom from a props shop in Southern California.. I had it inspected at a welding shop, since all the valves were made by Robert Shaw Co., they knew what to look for, as far as flaws or wear. I used it as my resuscitator and suction for seven years, it weighed about thirty-five pounds, so after I managed a hernia on a call, I stopped using it. I'm one of those people that think old stuff is cool.. So I carried my personal EMT junk around in one of those wooden first aid boxes, and used the E&J box for all the oxygen needs. It's not like it didn't work either, it was great, just like any demand valve you would buy. I replaced the whole outfit with one of those Pro 3.0 pouches from Atwater Carey, nice little kit. If you want a nice E&J, shoot for a Lytport 1. We used to have one in the firehouse on an old truck, it was under the hose bed, as if someone hid it there. (they probably did)
  5. Nice Pneolator... I just restored one of those, and I'm pretty sure it caused a hernia.
  6. I think I have a vinyl first aid pouch that I bought from the cub scouts that knock on the door. I should go all out and buy one of those massive kits, shouldn't I?
  7. I could never spell Diarrhea, nausea or Hydrochlorothiazide.. But I got by okay. Nurses can't spell to save their life, and you can't read anything a doctor writes.. Therefore they should be fired? I don't think so... And I was able to read what hammer wrote just fine. Just think of it as notes from a SNF patient. At least it isn't copied with the first two letters of each word cut off. Oh, it's possible... Have you ever visited buzzardbros.com ? I suggest the babes video section... :twisted:
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