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Everything posted by EMSm0nster

  1. Because it feels better? LOL
  2. Just to give some ideas. Usually the class starts off with approximately 30 people, and about 10 people made it to the last day and about 7 or 8 actually passed the class. I believe why most people say that Mt. SAC is the hardest program around is because there are several MANDATORY PASS QUIZZES. Also, the skills test is done at the last day after the final was extremely stressful. They also try to stress you out because as stated, "It is better for you to stress now, then in the field." Overall, a lot of book work. I felt that I was taught well with our four instructors. Also, I've heard their EMT pogram preps us for their Paramedic program...
  3. Doesn't, "huevos" mean eggs? Don't guys have testes?
  4. So you took the two week course at UCLA? You are nuts!!! I am over on the other side at Mt. San Antonio College. Where do you plan to work at?
  5. That was a sorry rescue. Couple rescue breaths and two compressions? Was patient even in arrest? Poor lion. =(
  6. Good job, I am sure most 17 yo do not have the training nor balls to take control of the situation like you did.
  7. In L.A County, we are only able to assist in administration of both.
  8. Please check out my page: http://www.walkamerica.org/m0nster986 Walk Information 4/28/2007, 8:00 AM Griffith Park 4730 Crystal Springs Dr Los Angeles, CA Every year, half a million babies in the U.S. are born prematurely. Premature birth is the leading cause of newborn death and many life long disabilities. The funds we raise in WalkAmerica support research that saves babies' lives. Our mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Here is how you can help: • Sponsor Me • Tell a Friend • Register to Walk
  9. I would not count on the number of questions to determine whether you passed or not. I got asked 92-93 questions and I passed. It just wants to see if you are competent enough.
  10. I would recommend a refresher course or just looking back on materials that were taught. I carry my National Curriculum with me and look through it between calls.
  11. It makes sense, airway is one of the priorities. This was drilled into our heads in our program and I saw it again in the National Registry. =)
  12. Made me laugh, thanks.
  13. Is this, "EMS week" National?
  14. Please find out what she was talking about. Otherwise I believe she is incorrect.
  15. write them out and or flash cards
  16. I wished LA County let EMTs intubate. That would be so cool. =) Practice makes perfect
  17. how many times are we allowed to take the national registry?
  18. Yeah, personally I don't fully trust Docs anymore. I have asthma and still have stridor upon inspire NOT expire (wheeze lower airway). Albuterol does get her dizzy, that's one of the side effects. LIke others stated, evaluate her. I would be fun to auscultate a friend too.
  19. Basics can establish IVs? Where are you located?
  20. So what's the update? Unknown like the title? Could this person have PEA?
  21. rofl I had came to the same conclusion as I read on. yay!
  22. That was an interesting. Was cricoid pressure used? I'm just a newbie...
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