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Everything posted by Luckydogg0404

  1. Ha Ha!!!! I was a Weird Al fan when I was a kid, but have heard nothing of his since. That is hallarious and it got me thinking about some of the songs he made when I was a youngin'. Fat, Eat it, All I wanna do is eat luch w/ you, etc... Thanks for the blast from the past. Have to pick up a Weird Al album now. Im sure it will drive the wife crazy, but I am " white and nerdy" so what the heck!
  2. Thanks becksdad. Yes,the p.a. prescribed two meds and it is making a considerable difference. I am just curious if doctors normally need to see several years worth of trending to treat since I was so young or if he was simply negligent. I also read that hypertension in adults aged 18-47 results in reduced cognitive function. Hmmmm, maybe thats why I so sllllloooowwww, lol. Thanks again Becksdad.
  3. I am not real sure where to post this topic so Ill try here. If this isnt the right place I apologize. My question is this: I am an EMT student and 3 weeks ago in class we learned about "vital signs", learning the normal blood pressure for adults and children. I was a little concerned when my blood pressure was consistently >180/100. I recorded two weeks of morning, noon, and nite vitals and made an appointment to see my doctor. I was seen by the physicians assistant and when presented with the recorded trend she looked back through my file and commented that my blood pressure had been that high every visit since 1999, comprised of approx. 20 visits. She asked," why havent you done anything about this yet"? My reply was, "good question"! My question is, is this acceptable? Should they have been more observant and treated this earlier? What do you think about this situation? Thanks for your reply.
  4. Something I hadnt considered, but they have documented cases of spontaneous pneumothorax caused by loud music. Specifically one patients pneumothorax was traced back to his bass speakers being powered by a 1,000 watt amplifier in his car. Something to consider and maybe share with your teenagers when you hear them come "bumping" into the driveway. Here is a good link. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3614180.stm
  5. LOL! Good point Dust!
  6. Good advice AK. I am new to the EMS world, but I think common sense goes a long way in this type of situation.(not implying that the original poster doesn't have plenty of common sense, Im sure you do) Things I personally would consider would be.... ----Do I have easy access to a 4 wheeler, and am I familiar enough w/ it to operate it efficiently? ----Have I considered the "trouble" extrication sites, and effectively devised a plan? ----Have they designated an "emergency drive" for incoming EMS? ----Would a short C-spine and CPR training session be feasible with the lurking spooks and workers? That is just a few that I would consider. Good luck and have fun. I went to a haunted woods a few years after high school and somehow it just didn't have the allure it once did. Maybe it was because I have already made out with girls,lol. Anyway, have a good time!
  7. God Bless Dust. Thank you for your service.
  8. lol, I know that. Which is why i asked about 43 and not 46 years experience,lol.
  9. Thanks alot. That make sense. I appreciate it.
  10. Newbie has nothing to do with it. I am asking for clarification. I do not understand how a 49 year old man has 43 years of work experience. Maybe someone else can clarify for me. Im not " calling anyone out". That would be rediculous. I am simply new here and am trying to decide who is" full of it" and who isnt. I do not want to waste my time reading posts and trying to glean knowledge from someone who is truly full of you know what. I noticed some of Dust's posts seemed like really good posts and would like to know that he is not a poser before I take them to heart. I noticed he has made many posts, and is obviously much more knowledgeable than myself, but I am curious about the 43 years of exp. for a 49 year old. No maliciousness intended and apologize if it were taken that way.
  11. Well sir. Please explain to me how a 49 year old has 43 years work experience. Where I live 6 year olds arent allowed to be police officers or paramedics., and 16 year olds arent allowed to be police/paramedics.
  12. Wow 43 years of work history there. What are you 65? Or wait, maybe you were a cop and paramedic simultaneously, that would make you about 55. So who is the picture of?
  13. Well said becksdad. I agree 100%. That could easily close the debate!
  14. Wow, Dustdevil. You speak like an expert on U.S. police op. and tach. How many years do you have in a tach squad in the U.S.?
  15. Boy Dustdevil. You sound like a really pleasant individual to be around. I only regret that I dont get to work with you. Ofcourse it would be such an honor that I would be glad to do it strictly on a pro bono basis.
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