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    New Jersey

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  1. I voted "Tis Not My Job" for the one simple reason.. and it has nothing to do with not being my job.. It has to do with being an emergency service. When people call 911, we all assume the case is emergent. I do not subscribe to "camping out" on scene. If they are that sick that they need an ambulance, then they need an ER, not a sweatsuit or whatever.. i willl not waste the time dressing them, when you know the ER's going to put them in a gown anyway. I hve however, with unclad patients, attempt to grab a robe and throw it over them to preserve some sort of modesty. Just my opinion.
  2. Hi Jordan, I am sorry you did not succeed in your attempt. The NREMT Test is not fun. For anyone! ANd its not supposed to be. Its meant to test your ability to think. I am sure that as you read the questions you must have said to yourself 100 times "THERE IS NO RIGHT ANSWER!" or part of the answer was correct the rest was wrong? The best advice I have for you, as an NREMT and an Instructor is READ the questions for what it is asking you and pick the BEST answer. Try NOT to overthink. By that I mean, do not say "but, what if? and what about" that will not help your cause. The best answer for the question is the key to NREMT. Please PM me if you need guidance or have questions..
  3. Hi Mark.. I've done the transport bus business and know both of those companys..Adamo as far as I know is long closed. You can always come apply at Atlantic Ambulance.
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