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    Tulsa OK
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  1. yo banana gas, no love for your old partner? how is the fd? R
  2. Considering that I get a complicated call every other day (rough estimate), I don't avoid transfers. I do not go out of my way to get out of them, but I do my share.
  3. Dust I have an opinion on this. I work in a PUM. But I need time to collect my thoughts and to type in from in front a computer, not my iPhone. So I will get a response up hopefully in the next 24
  4. Dust I have an opinion on this. I work in a PUM. But I need time to collect my thoughts and to type in from in front a computer, not my iPhone. So I will get a response up hopefully in the next 24
  5. it just gets me charged up with no place to ground
  6. it just gets me charged up with no place to ground
  7. I lack the capacity to get electrified over this
  8. what about Ludwig's Angina? Surely the dentist would have seen it, but then again?
  9. Esmolol
  10. non selective beta blockers, i.e. Inderal. Reports from ECHOs show that after betablockade the unopposed alpha stimulation can exacerbate tachycardia leading to precipitous hypotension.
  11. lidocaine lowers the seizure threshold and can potentiate cocaine toxicity. forgot about this till a VERY recent lit review on eMedicine
  12. Nitro? The vasodilation speed the transfer of cocaine? treat with versed to control hypertension and hyperthermia
  13. CBC, CMP (chem 20) TSH, amylase, lipase, cardiac markers, EKG, Head CT to start ETA: Wound and blood cultures, and skin color/condition R
  14. rhabdomyolysis? ABG, CK, UA and outputs lean this way, along with the trauma R
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