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About chaser

  • Birthday 04/20/1960

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  1. Well, to most of you this is old news. To me, it's new. Although I knew Rob was sick, I had my own shit going on, and he was Rob. Always a tough front. But I knew time was short. That is what is crazy about life, always that denial thing, Even living and working around it. I missed saying goodbye, I hope not to make that mistake again. Speak your mind, Rob and I would joke about websites we were kicked off for pissing people off. I know he would be greatly honored by your post Bryan Bledsoe. My Chuck Norris Ninja lol, love you!!
  2. chaser


    Just found out my wonderful friend died. I lost touch with this board because of shit in my own life. But Rob was a good friend to me, so I am so sorry to hear this, I knew he was sick, but I was caught up in my own things. I am so sorry I didn't pay more attention. Love you Rob!! You are a ninja badass in my heart forever!! Chuck has nothing on you!
  3. I agree, this is total bul**it! Good for you for taking a stand against this. Who did this hurt? Someone posted a link. I want to barf- this caused a lawsuit??? Yet they are taking up courts time and your money - hope you have your counter claim ready- distress,lost wages, and legal fees. Ream them. I will back you all I can, and as you can see, many others will too. Hang in there! Chaser
  4. Last I talked to him, he went to Japan to visit his brother. That was about a month ago I think. Just sent him an email.
  5. Not buying, but if you are looking to hire someone...PM me
  6. Sent you a PM- check it out. But the hunting thing, not a good thing on the islands!! Best wishes on your search!
  7. Hey girlfriend!!! Did you PM me? I am the computer geek in not the right sense. I see you responsed, but don't how to get back to you. My email is gosails03@yahoo.com, or I am facebook too. Linda Drake- Orcas Island, Washington.

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  8. Why did you do that? Don't waste your time and energy on someone who treats you like crap (and your daughter!!!), you deserve better, as does she!!! You PM if you want, I have been there too .
  9. Mas Medic, You can vent to any of us. Sometimes you might not like what you hear...some here are very blunt- but give good advice. I am sorry for your situation, and maybe you are better of without her. Change your locks, your passwords on everything, and move on. Sorry about the dog, that really sucks. What a bitch. You will meet someone who will treat you better. Keep the faith, and don't let her drag you down. Vent all you want- if you want to PM me, we can compare stories!! All the best, Chaser
  10. So sorry for your loss of your wife. No matter what, we are never prepared for losing our loved ones, there never seems enough time to say goodbye. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  11. Yes, maybe that meeting happened right after this one...
  12. Okay, I will start. I think we are here to learn lessons we need to, which didn't take or we didn't learn in previous lives. As in, themes for your life--like hero, builder, analyzer, controller, healer, humanitarian, etc,,,, And we return until we complete these. From there, who knows? We go onto to something further. I think many on this board are these themes. There are others, but I think I am done for now...........
  13. chaser


    If you left J, what reason for anyone else to be there? JK- but wish you would be home with your family. L
  14. My friend's daughter is excellent at talking on the phone and texting, do you think with one night's training she could step in and be a volunteer dispatcher at no compromise or danger to anyone? It doesn't? I would say the fact this is not their career and they have not gone through the education, training, and experience to be Medics or EMT's would make them "less of an EMT, ECA, or Paramedic". Good advice. Why don't you do that and then see if you feel the same way about this.
  15. ....Once on the scene, the emergency management technicians may ask you to help in ways for which you are qualified... What is an "emergency management technician"?? What will the title be for the non medical undertrained driver be? Ambulance handler specialist?? Aside from that, I see great potential for getting this person into a situation they can not handle due to lack of knowledge and training, and end badly for all involved.
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