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Everything posted by chaser

  1. Jim, First off, prayers and best hopes to you and Janice. Then as far as financial support, are you in a volley dept. or paid? I see you wrote you are also in construction I think. so I would guess it is volley. Reach out to the community, and contact local banks. They can set up funds in your wife's name for people to donate to. You would be surprised at the support. My community has mercy pilots to fly out for chemo, meal delivery, household help, people pitch in when other's need it. We are are small community, so we help out when we can. I bet yours will too, if you ask. I wish the best for your family. Chaser
  2. Happy happy birthday girl! Hope your new hubby is treaty you especially nice on this day! Have a great one! Chaser
  3. LOL, I just thought you were pretty excited to introduce her. Any hey, what's up Dwayne??????????? Do I have something to tell Barb?
  4. Welcome Dar!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I watched it all. Actually read it because of the title, we had a patient we treated a few years ago. A biker, and as islanders, we all hate ( well, have little patience for) the "holiday bikers" who ride 3 across on twisting roads & stop to check their maps in the middle of the road -just over a blind hill. Anyway, this guy did a face plant over his handle bars of his bike because a deer jumped out of the woods right into him. Ugly site, major facial trauma, but we all couldn't help laughing just a bit. Don't know what color the deer was. Didn't matter. We just liked that the deer hate the stupid tourists bikers as much as we do!!!
  6. Damn pinkies...... bet they cheated on the tests.
  7. WTF?? Well, my little black kitty (weighs about 4 lbs. ) got along fine with my 110 lb. yellow lab, I don't think color or race was ever an issue. They liked each other, although not the same species. My cat thinks he is a dog, so he thinks he is the same. He goes for walks with us just like he is a dog. I think if he was a white cat, my dog would treat him no different. I think placing human beliefs and values on animals is ridiculous. And many animals can not see colors. Too bad humans do.
  8. I live on an island which has a ton of deer, I usually see at least 20 every day. Never seen a completely white one, they are beautiful!! There some here that are partially white due to in-breeding. It happens also with the locals, but not as apparent, and we all don't talk about it.
  9. What stage is this?? How beautiful, I know how excited you both must be. I am so happy for you and your wife!!!!! Get your sleep now while you can!
  10. Actually, there are many researchers who try to validate previous results ( and who receive funding and grants). Or many researchers who extrapulate results from previous findings to further their own research that might vary in a slight way. Yes, I hate this also, that is the "People Magazine" part of research. Results are thrown out before there is further tangible proof the results are valid, and people jump out to make a quick buck on a miracle cure. Sometimes for very bad results. And, BTW, good to see you too Dwayne!!
  11. It is not random. The molecule P2XP seems to kill ATP in spinal cord injuries, the introduction of BBG (the blue dye) may help with this, and help cells destroyed.
  12. I have to respectfully disagree. You know what researchers call The New England Journal of Medicine? "The People" magazine of research. I don't know who funded this particular study, that's irrelevant (usually, not always- but I usually check). My point is, after what is published goes out, many of those studies are replicated by thousands of scientists. Why? Because there may be something worth further research. Me too. I would not say there is no merit at all in this study. But you never know from what mistakes others have made, or small steps, breakthroughs come out, or further ideas may generate.
  13. You married Tniugs? LOL, there are way too many "conditions" to list!!!!
  14. I think that was the removal of an ex spouse. It may work, given enough time and the right conditions. Anyway, lets see, here's some I have heard: Butter for burns Seizure patients- putting something in their mouth Nose bleed, leaning back Alcohol to warm up- hypothermia Rubbing alcohol to reduce a fever
  15. I don't love going to weddings, but this one looks like it would have been a blast............
  16. Michael!!! Yay, you are back!! I was just thinking of you today. That is interesting with the return of the wallets. You wonder what sparks people to do what they do. In college, I read a study on con games. When the con artist was good looking, and used their looks for the con, people judged them more harshley and gave them more serve punishments than if the con was not good looking ( in the same scenario). Why the judgement on who is worthy of their property back, and who doesn't?
  17. I don't know about that, but I am surprised Pepsi didn't use the part with him going down the stairs with flames shooting from his hair. The marketing department could have had a field day with that footage.
  18. Bet you have to smile.........
  19. I am so happy for you!! Congrats!! ( Now just don't start being a pompous ass okay??? You know how medics are...)
  20. Cheers!! I love a happy ending!!! (although, hope his family emergency turned out ok)
  21. Jeez, I think the same person that filmed Blair Witch Project filmed this video. Could they be anymore unsteady?
  22. This is The End- The Doors/ Jim Morrison
  23. To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone gives you courage. Lao Tzo I wish you and your new hubby great happiness!
  24. I can picture Dust running over some jackass in a parking lot!!!! Otherwise, I just see a big teady bear!!
  25. Det er så afkoeles. Det er den slags TAXI jeg gerne! Jeg elsker det!
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