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Everything posted by chaser

  1. Excellent question, as most studies have found 7 out of 10 car seats are incorrectly installed. Most areas/ states/ otherwise do provide safety seat inspections. People just have to look up where and when. I think you mean the shoulder strap retainer clip, and it should be at armpit level, basically at nipple level. Checking the tightness is also important, you should be able to barely slide a finger under it. You don't want it so tight it leaves a mark, but not so loose the child can slip out. In cold weather, strap the baby snuggly in, then add blankets on top. And in your case, even if you weigh little, you should be able to hook your seat in tight enough. Do you get in the seat and put your weight down with your knee?? Scary what you see out there. At one seat inspection, we had a grandma come in with her 3 yr old in an infant seat. And booster seats are way under used.
  2. Men live longer in general if they are married, and are more likely to remarry upon divorce. Why not? Someone to take care of you? And work and take care of the house and kids? There are many studies to back this up. To extrapulate data from Denmark and relate it to the entire world is not relevant. Apples and oranges to relate it to the states. Age thing. Men hit their sexual peek at teens through around 25. Women, around 35- 40 and up. Think these old men can keep up?? No way.
  3. http://movies.yahoo.com/news/movies.ap.org...dead-bangkok-ap Thought this was sad, wonder what really happened and why.
  4. Jeez Boys, does everything revolve around food??? I didn't know this was a cooking thread. Want to swap receipes??
  5. Dust, you slut. But seriously, this guy is a scum bag. He can't play with someone his own age, or of age. I wonder if he let her play in the playground at McDonalds. Maybe he could score a couple more dates.
  6. That just makes me sick. Couldn't even get through all the images. Makes me want to cry.
  7. " Kilduff, of the 5000 block of Brack Ave., was arrested this week and originally charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious battery and a third-degree felony sex offense. However, the charges have been amended to lewd and lascivious act on a child, and use of a child in a sexual act." Which is worse? Jeez. With the charges being amended, it makes it sound like since it was a child, it is not as bad. What a scum bag.
  8. guilty, a couple of times You ever ride in the back of a police car? (Not work related)
  9. We Are Family- Sister Sledge (was going to say: If I Had a Million Dollars- Bare Naked Ladies...but not quite true) Whats you favorite sport?
  10. Really, what is the harm in refreshing your memory? Too much information? No such thing, except for weird social situations. I say do study, and check into whether there are some different protocols you need to be aware of. Best of luck to you! Chaser
  11. Chicago Bears http://www.break.com/usercontent/2008/1/Ch...ong-443793.html (pathetic video) If you could change anything in the world, just once, what would it be?
  12. How did you get in my living room?????
  13. Wait.. you want to have sex with Sweet Caroline, or Neil Diamond??? Ok, so... Margaritaville, Jimmy Buffet Who has inspired you most in your life?
  14. not guilty Have you ever purposely used someone you don't like to get something you want?
  15. That's gotta take a lot of strength and balance. Impressive.
  16. Some kind of Civil War amputation device, or a "blood letting" tool? It looks like the part on the right is broken.
  17. No kidding!! My son sleep through our smoke alarm going off when he was around 5 or 6 yrs old. It was Halloween, and I had left a candle burning which then caught the holder on fire. Since the alarm was so often used as a signal that dinner was ready, I guess he chose to ignore it.
  18. Can you foam lattes with that??
  19. Yes, there are tents set outside Harborview and Swedish right now with a big poster for 2 for 1 C-sections!! Plus, being Seattle, they are throwing in free lattes. You guys are screwed. Too bad Doc!!
  20. I was following this story too. Actually Terri, I was reading the first article right before I logged on here and saw your post. The thing that bothers me is the kid is so brainwashed against the chemo. With the proper facts and education, kids do respond to treatments better (at least mentally) when they understand and they and their families are involved in the care. Also, the Dad is in LE so should have some pull on stepping up the search, or being more aggressive. I have little doubt he knows when and where they went.
  21. Well said fiznat, I agree. Passion and respect.
  22. http://www.komonews.com/news/national/45475292.html
  23. Ok Robert, I am confused. You have a home security system, that needs land lines which you don't have. Is it activated? Why exactly do you feel the need for the sprinkler system? The potential for damage is really not that great, unless the house is left unattended for long periods of time.
  24. Do you have a home security system? In this case they would monitor as part of their fee. Is this due to insurance requirements? Its kinda rare to have home sprinkler systems, unless this is a vacation home not vacated or checked on for the majority of the year.
  25. I really doubt this is possible, or plausible....although I love the "anal dwelling little butt monkey line" in Bruce Almighty. Can't watch it without cracking up!! However, seems maybe this topic has run it's course.
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