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Everything posted by chaser

  1. So Dwayne....is that what you tell all the girls???? :wink:
  2. Wow Dwayne!! I wish you all the best in this huge adventure and experience. Be safe, learn a lot. I am incredibly proud of you!!!!
  3. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Woo. Woo, who? Don’t get so excited, it’s just a joke.
  4. "Who said the virgins were all female...". LMAO. Great example of reading the fine print before you sign on. I don't think this clip aired it, but I love when Jeff says "why not a bunch of gals who know what they are doing vs. 82 virgins...." I love this guy!!!
  5. I think I am missing what you are after. I was hung up with the phrasing and approach in questioning, and of course, timing. I know you better than to think you would question in front of a patient. There should be a way to ask your questions without feeling like you have to sugar coat them to get the answers you are after. Asking a question to a medic in the field, and the identical question to an ER doc, I would expect a different response, attitude, and answer. Apples and oranges. Interpersonal communication can be a tricky avenue, and the slightest variances in vocabulary can evoke a very different reaction, especially when stress is involved. And egos.
  6. There you go- you can't ask medics anything without getting attitude... (just kiddin Mike)
  7. Lots of great advice! I would add the importance of learning to do the exercises correctly, and slowly. Know exactly which muscles each exercise is targeting, and remember to breath. It will make a difference in your form and execution. It is unlikely you will build huge muscle mass, however, you will loose the tone you have gained quickly if you are not consistent in your workouts. It is amazing how much progress you lose when you take a few weeks off. Charting out your workouts is helpful, keeping track of weights and reps for each exercise. For cardio, find something you enjoy doing. Aside from running, there is always skipping, jump rope, stairs, swimming…mix it up so you don't get bored. Working out with a friend is a great idea. Much harder to wimp out if someone is waiting for you to show up......and it can make it more enjoyable for you. Anyway, the amount most of us are on the computer or watching TV, finding some dedicated time to work out is usually not impossible. Just a matter of priorities. You mentioned you have free time, so thats great. Think of it as a great investment for your mind and body. Exercise can help insomnia, but don’t work out too close to bedtime. And you know, Grandma was right…warm milk (warm, not hot) will help you sleep. Good luck!
  8. I wonder where else this can go and to what means. Somedic can either come back and defend himself, or he will never be heard from again. To go on and on about him seems futile. There are obviously a lot of harbored grudges and anger and I am not down playing that. Everyone has a right to their feelings and opinions, and that is genuine and warranted. However, why don’t we just let it go now? Is anything going to be resolved? I would guess it is highly doubtful he will be back. JMO, if the ventings want to go on, have at it.
  9. Well, I know Warren Miller. Bring it on
  10. Great idea, though I suspect it would be a rather long thread.............
  11. Hi Dameser, If you "finally just got into" your class, seems as though you had some interest or desire. What were you expecting when you went into this? I am not being sarcastic, I am just curious. Perhaps you are taking this course because you have to be cross trained?
  12. At least they wrote minor instead of small.
  13. Thanks for sharing the pics Dust! You know, your narrative reminds me a bit of Warren Miller's style (just to clarify, I meant that as a compliment- so don't go all Chuck Norris on my ass!)
  14. Are we going by Robert's Rules now?? Way too much structure... I think we can safely assume Wendy's question is rhetorical, as I don't think there would ever be confusion. JMO
  15. chaser

    New Game

    is quicker
  16. Really??? He is married? Don't tell his fiancee.
  17. K, I'll take a t- shirt. Women's medium. What kind of cookies?
  18. Did he kick your butt?? Trade you cookies for an autograph....his that is. O:)
  19. Well I know from personal experience, #1 is not true , or #4. Or #6. Some of the others are debatable.
  20. Lookin' good DQ. Nice to see your smile!
  21. Yes, some fine examples of male PMS.
  22. Maybe you need to meet some different women... Speaking only for myself, I have said some of these phrases (4, 5, 7). Never 8. And no way 12- sorry Lone. Not quite sure what you mean by #3. Just my opinion.
  23. ^nod. Everything runs in the genes.
  24. Forget the smoke and mirrors, it's all about tight jeans.
  25. I think a lot of us have made hasty (or looking back, stupid) decisions on the job. Hindsight being what it is, you probably could have pulled in coverage for that last call vs. just saying no. However, since your schooling apparently has some of these ex coworkers directly involved as instructors, I would advise you to try to mend fences. People do hold grudges. Write your ex supervisors (cc to all of them), tell them how important school is to you, and how you felt pressured trying to meet all the requirements of both school and work.....explain how you tried to work around this issue, how you were willing to work different shifts, etc. Possibly even regrets on how you handled the last call. Worth a try, and you might get by better in school. Good luck
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