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Everything posted by tearsanddreams

  1. trust me i dont want to increase the risk for any or my crew or officers on scene they come first then the patient. What i was trying to understand is the fact of how it bothers people. i can drive by with a slew of emergency trucks and not be phased. if you cant do that then there must be consequenses. like careless driving. and as far as idiots out there..LOL...know about that all too well. i think everyone here in EMS knows about those.
  2. i always leave it on until i get to the hospital. why not ? its not such a big deal here. if your going to be distracted by a few lights and crash into it then you need to have your licence revoked and taken off the road cause im the one thats gonna be scrapin your butt off the road.
  3. nothing in my car to respond to calls thats what the rig is for.
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