I really don't know where to start on this one. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
The part that is getting me the most are those that say anyone with an "unstable mental past" should avoid this profession like the plague. What caused that person to be "unstable" earlier will be a completely different scenario than what they are dealing with in their work. So yes, perhaps they became depressed maybe even suicidal over the death of a close family member or friend or were stuck in a spot in life where they just didn't know where to turn. If they are recovered why should they not be in EMS? How is dealing with death in the field or making a bad call on a medical situation going to lead them directly to suicide? Personally I think they are two totally seperate issues. These are not the issues that they were suicidal about in the past.
You also mention that this job can lead some of the best EMS to suicide, so it's not for the weak at heart. SO, if someone so great can suddenly go wrong, why can't someone who was so lost become clear again?
As for how to deal with these patients in your car, yes the girl with the webcam should have had it shoved down her throat,it's people like her that create the stereotype. But those who are seriously in a state of apparently unreturnable depression, NEED YOUR HELP. Yes, suicide is a selfish act, but not in the way we know selfish. Depression leads you to a seriously horrible place where the illness takes over and all you can see is the bad. It would be wonderful if they were able to see how it'd affect their family and friends, and they know their act is not likely to result in a party. However, these people can't stand life anymore-if not for themselves, then of course not for others! Suicidal Depression is a totally encompassing illness, you are a horse with the blinders on and all you see is darkness, there is no hope. Of course those of us outside know there is hope, that's why we have to deal with these people as human beings in pain who need a helping hand and someone to care. Once they are suicidal, they can't help themselves, as EMS we are there to help people, these are people who need help, just like everyone else.