Crap, what are forgetting?...Assessment tool...Cap Refill? BP? HR? Bowel Sounds? Baby is only 5 days old, can't have much history...What medical history do mom and or dad have? How closely are they related? Amish don't take many meds usually, sometimes herbal suppliments...Normal delivery...we know it's a genetic problem that makes this baby not react well to something mom is passing in her milk...(sorry, just rethinking out loud) (feel free to help me think) BROCK I LOVE YOU DEARLY, BUT YOU ARE REALLY TESTING ME!!! Dark Urine, Altered LOC, seizure, hard to wake up possibly because of previous unwitnessed seizure, a little warm, but not too high temp...I do know this is a metabolism problem or allergic to something in mom's milk and it is rare and more common in Amish community