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Everything posted by dhowes3

  1. I also am a single mom, and may I suggest that you take time to figure out who you are as a person before you get into a serious relationship. When we are wives and mothers for so long, we sometimes find ourselves thinking we have to have a man in our lives to be complete. learn how to take care of those kids, work and be happy with yourself. That way when the right guy comes along, you'll be more confident in yourself and you'll be able to bring more into a relationship. There are great guys out there, but it's really hard to sort them out of the crowd, when you try too hard....trust me
  2. I am a single mother as well, but my children are older than yours. I can tell you right now that I miss a lot of things they are involved in (baseball, school functions, etc) and I have to work a part-time job as well as my full-time job with ems just to make ends meet. They pay isn't great and the hours are long and hard. Unless this is something you truly love to do, it may not be worth it. Good Luck with whatever decision you make...
  3. dhowes3


    Unfortunately, some lawyer is going to try his darndest to make you look incompetent. I suggest that you re-read your patient care report so that you remember the details of the call. Lawyers have been known to give you only part of a run report and then ask questions that can't be answered without the rest of the report. It's ok to say, "I'm sorry but I can't answer that question without the rest of this report." Good Luck
  4. I work 48 on 72 off, I show up 30 minutes to an hour before my shift to make sure my truck is checked off. We check every truck, even the backline trucks, every day. At the end of our shift, the off-going crew is required to check all oxygen on all trucks to make sure they don't need changed out. I've had partners who would tell me everything is fine and the truck is ready to go and would find things missing or not working. I check everything myself now.
  5. I NREMT I/85 a little over a year ago. I thought it was the easiest test i've taken so far. The class was too short, (only 3 months) but I did a lot of extra clinical hours. There is a lot of information crammed into a very short time. I have to admit that I took this class with no intention of taking a paramedic course. But, after working with paramedic partners and learning how much more I could be doing for my patients, I am considering it. I just have to wait a couple more years until my youngest son graduates from high school. I don't want to be away from him anymore than I already am. You should do fine on the test if you know the material. Just remember that an Intermediate skill isn't always the right answer, a basic skill may be more correct. Good Luck
  6. My Portable o2 is always on the head of my cot, everything I need to work a call is in one bag with the exception of AED or Suction. That bag goes in on every call. At my service, the choice is left up to the lead medic or tech. I've seen others not take anything in and it bite them in rear. I personally don't want that to happen to me.
  7. Thanks for the good word Brock. We do try to take good care of each other...I enjoy the 48 on and 96 off. I'm a single mom so this gives me four days with my "guys" to watch them play ball or whatever they may be up to. I do get tired some times more than others, but our crews are usually very observant about the needs of their co-workers. We are a family and do what we can to make sure everyone gets some rest.
  8. There are three amino acids this baby will have to restrict from his diet for the rest of his life. Can't remember them right now, but did google it. That was a good one Brock...See you Monday...
  9. I think Riblett has it right
  10. Crap, what are forgetting?...Assessment tool...Cap Refill? BP? HR? Bowel Sounds? Baby is only 5 days old, can't have much history...What medical history do mom and or dad have? How closely are they related? Amish don't take many meds usually, sometimes herbal suppliments...Normal delivery...we know it's a genetic problem that makes this baby not react well to something mom is passing in her milk...(sorry, just rethinking out loud) (feel free to help me think) BROCK I LOVE YOU DEARLY, BUT YOU ARE REALLY TESTING ME!!! Dark Urine, Altered LOC, seizure, hard to wake up possibly because of previous unwitnessed seizure, a little warm, but not too high temp...I do know this is a metabolism problem or allergic to something in mom's milk and it is rare and more common in Amish community
  11. What has mom added to her diet since the delivery? Any Herbal supplements?
  12. Is the mom passing on a protein that the baby is unable to metabolize because of a genetic disorder? Someone help me...Go to google...look up rare illness found in Amish communities...There are at least 35 of them and i can't get through them all...I have to go to work in the morning and i don't wanna think about this all night...Brock, I will see you Monday and we better have this mystery solved or you are in big trouble...LOL
  13. Could this be a genetic problem? I know that in Amish Communities, the sometimes marry closely within families. I also know that sometimes Amish Children deal with rare metabolic illnessess because of the tightness of the community, no vaccines, and other factors. I guess Mad Cow Disease is out of the question because you said "has nothing to do with animals.?
  14. Could this baby be allergic to something that the mom has been exposed to? Since she is breastfeeding, she could be passing something along in her milk that is causing the baby to be sick. Are any of the animals sick? Brock you're killing me here, you know i don't like pedi calls and i hate mysteries...
  15. Is anyone else in the house sick? Headache, nausea etc. Gas or electric heat? What is baby's skin color? How long ago did this baby go to sleep?
  16. The service I work FT for works 48 on 4 days off. We have no limit on how many extra shifts you pull. I have worked as many as 4 days on in a row. Some days it's fine because the call volume is down, but some days you get slammed and it's exhausting. I have to pick up extra shifts because our overtime is paid at 1/2 time + 2.00 per hr. We have a new director and I'm hoping some of this will change soon. Sometimes I do feel overworked, and definitely underpaid.
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