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  1. what's going on? Haven't seen ya 'round in a bit !

  2. Have to say it's a pill counter blade with cotton pick have one from different rep and yes it does do good for icing cupcakes (use it for that more than counting pills)
  3. sorry my error can't seem to be able to delete this now
  4. Right BBB seen in almost all leads to me
  5. and you answered how phil?
  6. Are you gonna tell them how much i got for a pension Phil?
  7. I thought that was your job Phil!
  8. that one is as old as you Phil. lol
  9. now i know how to tell then apart. thanks phil
  10. I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming response. I'll pass all the addresses to his school and everyone that has responded will be contacted. They are not sending them out until the end of this month. Thanks again to everyone David
  11. Our son's 3rd grade class is doing "Flat Stanley" I was wondering if anyone would be willing to participate? If so, we would need a mailing address to send you the Flat Stanley. They are asking you send a small bit of information about your area. If anyone in his class does not have enough people to send their Stanley to, I would like to share the addresses with them. Please pm any addresses to me. Thanks in advance. David
  12. thank you everyone
  13. had a coworker on rescue state pt had equal lung sounds bilaterally didn't seem to notice the big scar on side or the fact one lung had been removed. had news crew get wonderful picture of me beside upside down car stuck on median guard rail i heard funny sound and bystanders scream, the car was now on fire. i duck down to talk to pts in car and watched me get up and walk very quickly to check on pts on other side of road.
  14. And then don't forget the whole discussion on the proper disposal of the old lightbulb (light bulb)! Is it hazardous waste? Recycle? What do you do? :scratch:
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