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Peter Paramedic

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Everything posted by Peter Paramedic

  1. Have toughbook 30's internal GPS, touch screen. Verizion connection, not reliable. New world mobile program, (is what 911 uses to pick closest rig, and mapping) seems to be the biggest problem, had to do alot of modification requests to adapt to EMS from LE. Rescuenet epcr, no major problems. I would like to know what software everybody else uses to connect to their dispatch or 911 center for closest rig and mapping ect.
  2. The White House > 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW > Washington, DC 20500 > > Dear Mr. President, > > SUBJECT: Patriotic Retirement > > There are about 40 million people over age 50 in the work force. Pay them each $1 Million severance with stipulations. > > 1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings -- unemployment fixed. > 2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered-Auto Industry fixed. > 3) They either buy a house/pay off their mortgage-Housing Crisis fixed. > 4) They buy stock. Voila! The stock market rebounds with no help from the feds. > > WHAT? This too easy for ya? > > Sincerely, > > U.S. Taxpayer
  3. Don't worry, if they need ya, they have your number.
  4. Well Sir, nothing wrong with chasin' a skirt now and then, as if i could catch em'?
  5. Go for it vid, maturity and work ethic are a welcome site anymore. Besides it's nice to have other old farts around to have coffee with, and tell war stories! HA! Do it for your enjoyment or it's not worth it!
  6. Is there any chance of getting a poll or however yall do it, on ambulances from 5yrs old to new ambulances? The point is when its time to buy, what "Brand" has served you well? Start with Administrators, owners, managers.... Base price, repairs, service availability after the purchase.......... All types and duty levels... Chassis- Ford, Chev., GMC, Freightliner..... Good points, consistent problems....... Ambulance conversion- Wheeled Coach, Horton, Demers, Braun, MedTech....... Good points, problems......... Then go to the front line, what do the medics like and dislike about the design and function, what quits working that doesn't get reported. That information sure would be a great resource at purchase time!
  7. i heard amt is looking at moving into springfield, anybody heard the same :?:
  8. Do you have a link to the other forum. Thanks
  9. hey DD, we cheated once in a while and pulled the screen out and took it in by itself, more or less useless w/o the defib. and constant in out of the screen bent the pins eventually, oh damn how i don't miss the old days. HA!
  10. i switched over to zoll about 20 yrs ago, from lp5. use zoll m's now cause we have rescuenet, and code review. the biggest change was about 25 yrs ago when we switched to lp 5's from mrl 350 sl's. lost the massive development of my triceps, hee-hee.
  11. I always look forward to the days after christmas and new years, the good old boys at the nursing homes around here play cards for the aftershave they get as presents. Then the next few days we get called for the winners, buzzed out and non-responsive from the fruits of their winnings. Man, drinkin' aftershave, just shoot me in the head when i end up at the poker table in the old folks home!
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