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Everything posted by firescapes
Recieved word from another forum on this matter...phenochromatoma was put to me...ive done some research into it and this may be the culprit...my scan was cancelled till jan 11/07 will let you know
Some of you will recognize me from my"Adrenaline Junkies" post...well here's the clincher...just recieved word I've got a lump on the infamous gland...I asked my doctor if this can relate directly to stress, burnout, or hyperactivity of the gland throughout my 25 yr career. She had no answer...I would like anyone's input on this.(any theories)...I go for a scan on Dec 6th...will keep you posted...
Thanx for the link!! I'll check it out ....and let you know....
Hey dudes!! what are you talking about here...scanners and frequencies???
"Adrenaline Junkies" - Burnout
firescapes replied to firescapes's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
Yeah!! those infamous alert tones...in 25yrs we had about five different ones starting out in the early days with a bell on the wall in the hall....some of the tones would knock your socks off...quite often the guys would have to lever me off the ceiling as I was clawed into the ceiling tiles(crazy cat) as times progressed the alert tones of course came over the pa system and I would bound out of my bed on the click of the micrphone and be halfed dressed before the tone....sometimes I'd come out of my bed previous to the click or tone and start getting dressed...The question from the guys was"How the hell do you do that?" I told them it was training from my old Navy days...the alarm went there onboard ship and you never knew what was going down.So yeah I do agree that the tones do play apart but there is also alot more to the game.As I mentioned before when you get to that point in your latter career and going to the calls doen't feel right and you can't really put your finger on it take a step back and have a look at yourself ,,,recognizing burnout can save your life....alot of departments have stress assesments where they can tell you if you are reaching or have reached burnout...whether there is a follow up in a postive fashion to this I have yet to hear of....I did one on my dept and they said guess what...."I said I'm burned out" You know?' was more or less there response.....I asked what they had in place to help and follow up on this matter...."NOTHING!" was the answer.This is also where Unionized jobs are safe ...without a Union who in their right mind will admit they are burned out.....but remeber...going with burnout and not addressing it can be detrimental to you well being! -
First off read carefully..never did I say the vaccine caused the pnuemonia...you assumed that, secondly I am only here to share my views.you seem to feel the need to attack and use sarcasim and thats too bad...but when one is on the defensive from no attack that should tell you something...you are right about one thing though, we are here to promote health...so on this matter I will say no more..just remmber me when news down the road tells you off new found medical info about side effects from various vaccines... ....maybe you already know ..if not it would't hurt for you to check out the main ingedients in some of the major vaccines. In closing I ask you and all others...don't give away your power and please try to think outside the box.
Up here in Canada in the province of Ontario it is law to wear a seatbelt....I don't agree with the freedom of choice being taken away...HOWEVER...seatbelts do save many lives...on the other side of the coin there are times that the seatbelt kills...the odds are in favor off wearing for survival in an accident but I still feel we should be able to choose...point in case ...I ran a call on the freeway....a semi tralier had flipped on the cloverleaf(on ramp) and the cab of the vehicle was flattened to a height of 6-10 inches......we were just in the process of contacting the rescue squad which was enroute...and I had conveyed to one of the crew that we are going to have a bitch of a time cutting the driver out...a fellow beside me tapped me on the shoulder and said"hey I'm the driver" "SAY WHAT??" was my response....He had no recollection of how he got tossed free...a seatbelt definetly would have killed him...am I saying don't wear one, NO!! Just have the freedom to choose....I wear one all the time in passenger vehicles...when it comes to a large truck... I choose not too...they were pushing it on the Dept. to wear one in the Fire Truck...that lasted for about 5min for me ...I just didn't feel safe strapped in there.Different strokes for different folks..
Are people truly still this foolish?
firescapes replied to DwayneEMTP's topic in General EMS Discussion
If it is true...but I'm inclined to agree with one of the previous posts...that all sides of the stories are not being told....however...if one feels more secure wearing mask ,gowns,etc. even if the situation does not warrant it then go ahead...it might be a physcological barrier but hey if wearing as opposed not ...makes one perform better then by all means do it... Freedom of choice....there were times as a Capatin a man would say to me "I'm going to mask up" (SCBA) and even if I thought it wasn't warranted I tell them "Go ahead" No one should be denied the right to self protection whether some else sees it fit or not....hopefully there is no truth to the actions stated above...if so, then perhaps we need to go over it one more time and give the truths and myths one more performance on stage!! -
...you tell me why cancer is rampant...chemicals in the ground chemicals in the food ,chemicals in vaccines,you think they dont know...think again...hey they can put a man on the Moon...but can't cure the common cold,,,,...the masses need to give their heads a shake...time to wake up!!oR...don't wake up at all...I don't Ramble on just to ramble...Ive worked for the Gov't for 32 yrs total and I can assure you, they most definetly lie to the public about what is going on....you as a soldier know that to be true!!
Just another tid bit for you Ridryder911 ....Back when I was in the Navy in the 60's they injected us with every known vaccine ...get a little sick with it....HMMM! try almost death....I was carted off to sick bay hospital ...left sitting in the hallway for hours (guess I was a wimp getting sick like that or so the staff thought leaving me there that long )finally this doctor dude comes along and takes a visual on me from down the hall...and yells out "get this man into a bed" I am in the bed and this beautful euphoria comes over me ,so peacful so placid like nothing I have ever experienced.nothing mattered anymore I had no pain no ache...just peace(this was before anyone had even examined me)..In the faint background I could hear the doctor giving them shit because of my condition having me sit in the hall...here I had a 105 degree temp full blowm puenomia amongst who know what else...the fact of the matter is I was on deaths doorstep as a direct result from the vaccine.Say what you will as far as parents being charged with neglect well...guess you are one of the ones who would like to hand over all power to the Go'vt and have them rule every facet of our life with no freedom of choice whatsoever....well dont take offence to this please.... the sad truth is we are almost there already...why does everyone want to make everything a law and mandatory giving all our power away...let big brother look after us ....we might as all well be robots!!
Again RELISH thanx for your support ..Now as for the post above me here...perhaps you could do some research into what actually goes into the vaccines....you want some facts and figures on the deaths attributed to the side effects of drugs and vaccines(something that is not ever published by our beloved Gov't) Take up some reading by Deepak Chopra...if you don't know him he is a DOCTOR (Endocronologist) He will tell you there are more deaths attibuted to this than all the wars put together...something our Gov't fails to tell us...now if yoou don't believe the the PHarma boys are in this for bucks and not healing..heres a litlle tid bit for you. I ran a call several years back in Toronto's west end. The call was at Apotex Canada.Alarms were ringing and thankfully it turned out to be a malfunction. I sent my crew to investigate as I walked slowly behind them in this massive warehouse observing as I went. Now if you have seen the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark, the size of the warehouse in it is the same as this warehouse was. I suddenly stopped dead in my tracks...here were these skids piled 40ft high and went on for well over 600ft in length. They were all cases upon cases of generic brand drugs, It was at this point that it occured to me that this business was exactly that BUSINESS:not about healing but busines;making bucks.So!! to confirm this...I had radioed the communications centre and they informed me the owner was on the way...rember this was 3 in the morning. A stretch limo(mercezes) pulled up and the owner got out along with his wife and others...he was in a black suit and his wife had the familiar black veil with only here eyes visible...Im not saying what country as I do not want to imply any racism,,,but the fact is this was a middle eastern Business gentlemen ...these guys do not invest there money just to be a do gooder....no matter where a business man is from they all invest there money for return...there is only one difference between drug pushers and presciption pushers....one action is legal the other is not.....they are all pushers for one reason...and that is to make money. Don't get me wrong I m not saying all meds are bad...just that alot are...we have an addictive society out there...its funny how the peeople strung out on the valium family will sit and poo-poo some one who is smoking pot or whatever. Food for thought!!As far as vaccines go we put so much crap in our system we can no longer produce our own antibodies.Its funny now how they are discovering that even the polio vaccine is soomehow now attributed to Fybromyalga
To all the new members who haven't introduced themselves yet
firescapes replied to Just Plain Ruff's topic in Meet and Greet
Howdy to you all...I'm really enjoying this site and conversing with many of you on a lot of topics that after being on the job for 25yrs and now retired ,that I can give some postive input and shed a different light on things,,,I have recieved positve replies and just like to say again...great site...Peace to you all. -
Amen to you too "Relish" Thanx for your input..its nice to know I'm not alone out here...I'm sure lots think that I'm a delusional paranoid wacko! You said it right, its time to take charge of our own well being and stop treating the physicians like demi-gods....they are just people...some good at what they do and some not so good...Big business? Definetly!! Push what they get told to push which pads the pocket...Definetly!! I need say no more...Again Thanx TTYL
No way!! No How!! Ive had far too many needles stuck in this bod in 56 yrs...Navy time...(think we were guinea pigs for a lot crap) Just like the posting above mine here says....we have no idea what the hell they are injecting us with.....look at the game played a few years ago...the powers to be created a shortage of the FREE I repaet FREE flu vaccine...everybody at least in this country went into panicsville and then miraculously the powers managed get a hold of some and boy oy boy...the line ups were phenomenal,far more than if no shortage was ever produced.They really mess with our heads...too many people believe that the Gov't is here to serve and protect us...just look at their actions and you can see its more like we are here to serve them.No flu shots...they can shove them. I know a lad who has never even had regular vaccines and he is 10 yrs old...all the kids at school get sick have the FLU etc. rarely does he get any of it...that alone should tell you something....Pharmeceuticals are big business....they have nothing whatsoever to do with healing...just big business..so in closing TAKE THE FLU SHOT AND SHOVE IT!!!!!
"Adrenaline Junkies" - Burnout
firescapes replied to firescapes's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
Thanx for your feedback...you may be right...but here's something else to think about....every time the alarm sounds even though you have experienced it thousands of times in a career, just check your vitals as you are enroute...you'll see the heart is a pumping and the adrenal gland accordingly.....point in case... The Union had made a documentary movie on Firefighters and they had one fellow(a seasoned vet) wired up to a heart monitor and you could hear the beats in the audio portion as the documetary was taking place...the narrator was walking around talking to fellows in the kitchen when all of a sudden the alarm went...the heart beat audio sound went through the roof at that point....they checked it out after the fact and found that the increase in heart rate was much more dramatic an increase than the Apollo astronauts(as you can see this was done a while back) The reason for this is because the space boys had a countdown and we as emergency responders do not. Another point in case I can remember in my 23yr that we recieved a call..shooting or something and we were returned to station enroute....I was sitiing back in the cab on the way to the call,telling my driver directions,and then after being recalled...well holy shit I thought I was going to pass out...and here I was previous to this nice and calm...so my brain believed...but the truth is the adrenaline was still pumping so much even with out me being aware of it and the nausea and faintness was a direct result of it...you are right though the body takes a beating and it does take awhile to repair...thanx agin Paul -
How did you handle your first lost?
firescapes replied to ParamedicWannaBe's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
After 25 yrs on a big city fire dept it is hard to remember that first loss...there were so many burnt,suicides,jumpers,stabbings,shootings,drug overdoses(many)...I always felt for the famiies and loved ones left behind and tried to comfort them in the best possible way. I just wanted to give a litlle bit of advice here....when you have a patient and they are unconscious ,,,vitals almost absent and it looks like they are going to cash in...please !! do not say anything that could adversely affect them...even though they are not conscious...more times than enough ones who have made it back report hearing all the converstions and events taking place around them even though they were in another reality. Yes you have to give your professional report and protocols,, that is expected...but watch out for the things that don't need to be said ...afterall, we are all here to help others..so even in this way we are extending out and helping....I mention this because to often than naught I would hear so many degrading or obscene comments made by first responders which if the patient hears it could very much affect them.I do realize however,alot of times these comments are made in a humoros way as to protect ourselves...but again please always remember what is in the best interest for the patient...thanx!!! -
"Adrenaline Junkies" - Burnout
firescapes replied to firescapes's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
I was reading one of the other postings and it was to do with burnout...the fellow had said that after all this time there is not even an adrenaline rush experienced in his own personal situation..... .this is how I see it....the reticular activation system in the human mind weeds out familiar info and scenes...therefore these repeated emrgency events are downplayed in the brain,causing one to believe there is no adrenaline flow....the truth is the old gland still pumps it and the tired body cannot take it...what do you think??Please leave your comments.... -
I just browsed through your post...have a look at mine Adrenaline junkie s just posted today....your symptons that you are experiencing have a lot to do with the bodies inablity to assimilate the adrenaline ....you may say hey after so many years i don't get fired up on these calls anymore...yeah! your brain don't but the old adrenal gland still does.....i am not saying this is the one and only cause for burnout but it is one of the big ones.Your post is a common one that I heard on the job...the list of things that you are tired of yet still like the job but list many things that get you down...alot of big departments etc. have stress management programs going and operating.... in the early days these were unheard of....if your work where you are does not have anything in place...why not be the forerunner in getting a stress management team together...this way you can combat what you are experiencing and help others out....do some research on burnout etc,. and present it to management for the need to have stress programs in place...if I can help don't hesitate to contact me...also check out the post at the top by Magic Dan the book he speaks of is now published and available....good book
Some of you may have heard of the term adrenaline junkies before. I am a retired Fire Captain and 25 yr veteran of the Toronto Fire Department.. in Ontario Canada. This City is a large metro of 3 million plus...very busy spot...I just wanted to share with you about the adrenline rush situation and how it relates to burnout and the need to recognize it. When you first get on the job things are great the alarm goes and off you go as all first responders do, your heart racing and the adrenaline just a pumping. This is quite a rush and this situatuion is repeated and carries on for years................as we age the body has had so much adrenaline distibuted throughout the system it finally gets to a point where it can no longer assimilate it. This is when the problems start to occur(Burnout) It can be recognized as nausea, or not wanting to be responding to the call although you are already enroute to the call. There are other signs but these are two of the main ones.When one reaches this burnout stage it needs to be recognized and dealt with...early retirement if possible is the best solution...if not if one can go into another area of the department or service that is not first responder perse. The danger if this issue is not addresed is death. I did 25 yrs and got an early pension. I am fortunate....those that stayed 30-35 yrs all too often I saw their retirement years cut too short....anywhere from 6 mths to 1 yr and boom!! they were gone. recognize.it...hey its just a fact of the job...it doesn't mean you are a wimp or whatever it just means you are human....we all have our limits....when the stress dufflebag is full..its FULL:some just fill faster than others and adrenaline is certainly one of the factors that helps fill the bag!! Love to hear your feedback on this ...any questions I'd be more than happy to answer...Regards...Paul
Hi Dan its Paul from firescapes...Isaw your post here from way back before you got your baby launched...Ive got a link on the fire site for you and I'll be contacting Toronto Fire...Im sure your stress book would be a great addition to their stress managemnet program...hope things are going well I'll be in touch with yousoon as I wish to talk to you about Quiet Man Publishing....TTYL Paul
new here, can anyone relate or offer advice?
firescapes replied to #1medicswife's topic in Burnout, Stress, & Health
Hey ! How are you/ I haven't been online since the beginning of last month...I am a Retired fire Captain City of Toronto Canada....I feel for you because I can fully relate to your concerns after serving twenty five years in the big City (Busy busy!!)My wife went through alot of what you descibe...fortunately we are still together after my crazy career. They give awards to Firefighter & Ems workers and the like....I believe you guys should all get awards ...being or having a partner on the job deserves an award on its own merit....you gals put up with so much...from me to you I thank you!! All I can offer you is talk to him...tell him how you feel....if he wants to contact me I'd be more than happy to talk with him and let him know what I have learned from this end of the career.Hang in there God Blees...Regards...Paul