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Everything posted by iadybug423

  1. Ah geeze can't spell anymore. My previous post subject should read Navigators. There are so many different ones. Tom Tom has some and Garmin has many. I think I could type it (address) in faster than I can find it on a map, especially some streets & directions-Sheesh!
  2. "I'm curious of the difference between that and reading a map." I guess I'm asking a comparison of the GPS to the often big, bulky, paper maps. Aren't these just maps condensed and neater? Are they better or equal to a map. Some I see have "door to door" instructions (GPS). I am asking for personal use. On a call is it just as easy to type in like map quest. All this new technology and gadgets is confusing at times. I read some have voice navigation turn by turn instruction and I think that could be helpful. Just curious. Thank you for your replys and guidance.
  3. Hello again everyone, I am researching some GPS hand held navigators and was wondering if anyone here uses them, if so what brand, do you like it etc.,? I am curious of the difference between that and reading a map. Are they helpful? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Well here is something some people may relate to. I wanted to do this since I was 25 and am now 47. Last year I passed National 1st try, challenged FL, lost and had to retake Floridas test. I failed. I took another class as a refresher because I did not want to have to take it again. I passed. So I am Nationally certified and State certified EMT-B For me it wasn't because of not being dedicated enough, not knowing how to study or laziness. A near drowning when I was 9 did some damage from black of oxygen so long they told my parents I would be mentally retarded or have sever brain damage. Neither one of those, and I have to study 3 times more than the average person. For me it seemed difficult ad times. I struggled long and hard to get this far and my advice to those who fail is don't give up. If you really want to work as an EMT then stick with it. Good luck -Terri
  5. Great, Thank you. I will email them in the morning and can attach the forms I have previously faxed. -Terri
  6. Okay- My apologies... I just pulled out my form that I kept a copy of and the only change is it went from the $35.00 I sent and now it is $70.00. I thought I filled it out, then saw the Dec 06 change, and thought maybe I missed it, but I was right I had already faxed the form. Should I refax the Certification Application I have already sent out ? -Terri
  7. Hello, and Thank you for your reply. I received a small post card from Florida Department of health from Division of Medical Quality Assurance in Tallahassee, FL that states they acknowledge receipt of my application and once it is reviewed I will be notified in writing by the appropriate regulatory specialist. It continues to read, allow 30 days for processing application prior to contacting the board office for further information. I called and was told I was approved. Okay-It looks like this is is a very new form, Dec 06, and I didn't fill this out. All my paperwork was in by Dec 11. It looks like I got caught in the middle of a change. Thank you for guiding me back to this site. -Terri
  8. Hi again everyone. I could sure use your help. Since I completed EMT school in Oct, and passed NREMT, I filled out all the proper paperwork and submitted everything required to be approved with my Statement of Good standing, which I am. Every website I go to only sends me back to NREMT. http://www.fl-ems.com/ http://floridaems.net/jobs.asp http://www.fl-ems.com/ I have sent copies of everything asked of me to FL health dept-or Dept of Health, twice. I called them two weeks ago and was told this person would get with his supervisor and would call me back. He asked if I would be at this number the rest of the day. He never called and this was two weeks ago. The Perdue website seems to be for NREMT. Can someone please guide me in the direction to simply test for the state of FL, and not NREMT. Thanks so much, -Terri
  9. I believe that is what I will do, wait til I am FL certified. I did receive the letter saying congrats I can test and within 30 days I should receive a letter with details. Jan 8 was the 30 day mark but I am giving an extra week because of the Holidays then I will check on my status Tues. Thank you for your help and advice,
  10. Unfortunately I am committed to FL. I live here and have for the past 20 years, and just to clarify I went out of State to EMT school because they offered the WEMT that I wanted. My husband has his job here, so for now and the next 8 years we'll be here. Since I am so new to this world I keep having questions. Like if it is and your probably right about the insurance with Liberty wouldn't another company be afraid an 18-23 year old would wrap their ambulance around something as well? Thanks guys,
  11. akcflightmedic, Thank you for changing to an appropriate topic. I appreciate your advice here. Why do you think they did post an age requirement? Insurance reasons, or maybe they want a more mature professional? Do you think it is more like a first aid cab driver kind of thing? Thanks,
  12. EMT/ PARAMEDIC Location: Jacksonville Hours: Full time and part time Starting Salary: 9.50 EMT Minimum Education: Florida EMT Certification Job Description: WE ARE LOOKING FOR EMT AND PARAMEDICS FOR JACKSONVILLE AREA AMBULANCE SERVICE. MUST HAVE EITHER FLORIDA EMT OR PARAMEDIC CERTIFICAION, CPR, AND OR ACLS. EVOC WILL BE REQUIRED BUT CLASSES WILL BE HELD. MUST BE ATLEAST 23 YEARS OF AGE WITH GOOD DRIVING RECORD TO DRIVE. 401K, AND HEALTH INSURANCE. PLEASE CONTACT DWAYNE PERKINS, DEPUTY CHIEF WWW.LIBERTY-AMBULANCE.COM OR CALL LIBERTY AMBULANCE SERVICE, INC., 904-721-0008. Posted on 1/9/2007. I am still waiting to see if FL wants me to test or not but is it worth calling to get some ride time/experience maybe, or possibly be hired before I test for FL? Your ideas & thoughts are appreciated. Title changed to reflect content...AK
  13. First of all Semper Fi to your brother. I am a Marine, married to a retired Marine. I just finished my WEMT-B/EMT-B in a month. Mine was at the National Outdoor Leadership School/WMI Wilderness Medicine Institute in Wy. So yes you get so much thrown at you rather than a couple hours once or twice a week. It can be done. What your brother is saying about the Combat Life Saver course is that he will be like the EMTB of a squadron. He will be right with a squadron as a non medical person but trained as EMT for BLS for his squadron. Not sure I am explaining it right...Been a lot of years since I was in (1985 I got out after 6 years). They all are trained in first aid so he is going one step further. -
  14. What if the EMTB refuses to push something out of their scope in a pinch or not? I don't think it's right, nor good, honest teamwork to expect or ask that of a coworker.
  15. somedic- I will, Thanks so much,
  16. I appreciate your guidance and will take advantage your advice (and link). Thanks so much,
  17. akflightmedic & somedic, Thanks again for your replies and time. This certainly gives me a better understanding for more things to ponder. I don't know anyone in this field or even close, CNA, Nurse, or working in a hospital setting, and this leads to my next question (o.k. no eye rolling please :roll: ) How can I approach EMTs? Do I just go into a rescue station or private EMS company and ask to talk to some EMTBs & EMTPs? I know this may sound so off the wall to you guys but I really want to know some steps to help me gather information to do what is okay and right. Better to ask you than look completely stupid and blow the chance gaining knowledge and information. Ideas, thoughts? Just so you know, I am not asking you take me by the hand and lead me around, just maybe point me in the direction you would go if you were me.
  18. akflightmedic, Thank you for the speedy reply. So even being just part time you can get in good hours. I was thinking with many jobs that would only leave me with 4 hours and I would prefer more than that. At least now when I do go for my interview I will be better prepared knowing part time isn't just 4-7 hours. Btw- I live in Jacksonville FL, and have been here 20 years and it looks like we're staying. I just went to WY for The (WMI) Wilderness Medicine Institute of (NOLS) National Outdoor Leadership School because it included the wilderness medicine. I do quite a bit of hiking, camping and backpacking the trails here in FL so I thought the EMT and the WEMT would be better for me. I so enjoyed that part of class. Thanks,
  19. Somedic, Thank you for the reply. I have another question. Can you tell me how part time EMS hours work? I know what part time is just not how it is with EMS. Would it be 12 hours instead of 24 hours on, or just 6-8 hours, Or...? Thanks, -Terri
  20. Buds189- http://www.medical-library.net/sites/frame...t_syndrome.html Has your Father-n-law been on antibiotics lately? Often times to many can cause problems getting rid of the good bacteria by having more bad bacteria. Antibiotics also kill off the good ones. Is there any signs of yeast in his mouth? I believe rice goes from starch to sugar once in the system, so this could be a problem, but then it could be numerous problems and a doctor should run a full blood panel to be certain. Probably best to get a 2nd opinion.
  21. Hi again Everyone, I see some of the shifts being 24 hours on and 48 hours off. What are part time hours? When you volunteer do you make your own hours or obide by certain hours? Is there rotation shifts like 3 months 11.p.m to 11 a.m. then change from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.? -Terri
  22. Great, Thank you everyone for your guidance and support. At the moment I am not certified in the State of Fl, but am NREMT-B and am waiting on all my paperwork to be processed so I can take the test here. Can I do ride alongs not being certified in the State of Fl, and if so How do I go about doing that before I get an EMT job? A&P is an excellent. Although I had it a few years back, I could use the refresher so I will be looking into that. I wouldn't mind riding as an observer and learning the ropes before being highered, infact I would prefer that.
  23. I can certainly live with the answers given here as far as a good and or exceptional EMT. I don't see them as you expecting to much...mostly common sense, and a motivated EMT. I was getting a bit concerned with some of the posts here, fearing perhaps what will be expected of me will be out of my league. You recognize an EMTB and their training is not equal to yours...I'm guessing we need to acknowledge that as well. As for me, I understand and comprehend that I am only an EMT, notthing more-yet I do have skills I would like to use, like to expand on, and absolutely keep on learning from those who don't mind teaching and showing one more new EMTB the ropes. It seems to me that your not asking to much, or expecting an EMTB to be able to be more than their scope of practice. I watch these boards alot-to learn, to see what I can do to better myself and hopefully, eventually make an awesome team. Sometimes, I get concerned with things such as EMTs coming out of school aren't trained well enough--paraphrasing- and that makes me wonder why not. I have passion and compassion, with what all I learned in 180 hours I want to use, and apply, and learn. Again I think this is something with every job and or carreer that one finds with fellow co-workers. Ego plays a role in all walks of life. I've certainly seen it in my own family. I just wanted to make sure not every paramedic or EMT-I thinks every EMTB is worthless, at least I hope this not the case. Thank you for answering my question and giving me your advice & experience.
  24. "I do not think EMT-B courses produce EMTs that are competent and ready for the field". In your opinions & experience, what makes a good or exceptional EMTB?
  25. I think every relationship is based on friendship, trust, loyalty and commitment. What else would you do other than an EMT? Would you be happy not doing it? I don't think it would be wise to give up something you love and enjoy for someone who is "high maintenence." To me, that is another word for needy and self-centeredness. It can't be all about one person. Compromise is an option. A good solid foundation begins when two people love and accept each other as is. Any job be it Military, Police Officer or Emt, doctor, lawyer all have their perks, pros & cons. If you love your job it isn't right to give it up for someone else only to resent it later on. Lots of choices face you, but what decisions you make now will affect you for a lifetime. My Hubby and I have been married 24 years and we were both in the military when we met. Gone 6 months at as time, and I got out after awhile and don't regret it, but it was our decision and he supported me as I did him to stay in and do his 20 years. Even now, things we dreamed, or I dreamed of, or want to do often have to be given up for the sake of US, but US is more important. If you give up your job/carreer because someone is high maintence-it sounds like trouble. besides no one says you have to rush this relationship, and quit your job. Still undecided then you need to seriously communicate more until you are both satisified with what your hopes, dreams and desires are. Life is what you make it.(For the most part)
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