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Everything posted by iadybug423

  1. I can relate to high anxiety for tests. I struggle and have to fight for everything do to a drowning accident when I was 9. When everyone else in my class could remember formulas and system I always got it but later than others. My whole life I have ad to brave the world of tests and not give in to what is easy and a way out. I dreamed it, I wanted it bad enough and asked for help over and over and over again. There are wonderful people who don't mind helping others learn and those who can help you with a system that works for you. I had to take a couple of tests twice, even one clinical I had to red0, and although I wasn't in the top of my class I still made it, AND the NREMT. It took me 6 years to get a 2 year degree. Don't give up or give in. Fight for it if you want it bad enough. I think your more frustrated with the "crap" of being overwelmed, of freaking out. The anxiety and feeling scared and over welmed can feel like crap. Many people do not this kind of struggle and fear. Ask people in your class, talk to your instructors, and go over and over it again and again until you get it. It sounds a wee bit like you may want to give up now, and it may feel easier to quit, but you have to find it within yourself if this is worth fighting for. Good Luck,
  2. "Pin job" means people pinned in vehicle? Feeling a bit "new" and "duh"-like.
  3. Can someone tell me what a "pin" is?
  4. That's great! Are you in FL? If so maybe I will work and learn from you one day. Certainly something to think about if EMTB can do this too. I wish you the best. -Love, Light & Peace, Terri
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