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White Cloud

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Everything posted by White Cloud

  1. Well I have to say...its been a while since i been here.... "View posts since last visit (12492)" If that gives you any clue on how long. Anyways, Looking for some assistance from you guys. Im getting into Graphics Design....Just small stuff....making Forum Signatures and stuff, Anyone got any really cool, Usable Pictures of Ambulances or EMS In general ? ALSO I need your guys Help, I need some EMS Slogans The only one i got is "Risking Ours To Save Yours" Can you guys help me out ? Post your pictures on here if you could, that would be awesome...or a link to where there posted. Much Appreciated Guys.
  2. WOW! The duck desearves to live after that if you ask me LOL Id take it home for a pet!
  3. That is an AWESOME Story!! The FBI one was Hilarious LOL. Anyone have any more stories like that ? ? Or any stories in General ?
  4. LOL FireEMT177959 Im totally going to do that Next Movie i go see!
  5. I have ONLY ONE Winter Jacket, and its got my Volunteer Ambulance Patch on it, and i went into buy alcohol for Poker Night, well It was -40 C I think thats -40 F as well, ANd i removed my Jacket and walked the 100 Feet to the Store in TShirt and pants to the Liquer STore to get my stuff. Personally, I would be to Embarassed to Wear anything relating to Unifrom in a place like that or a Bar or Anything while Off Duty. That should be Common Sense that you show a little respect for YOurself, Others, and The uniform you wear to Not wear it in such places off duty. As for Abuse of the EMS Discount, PErsonally i cant say i ever Witnessed anyone 'Abusing' The Privilege, and When i do get a Discount Im Honored. The most I have ever done was when i go out to Tim Hortons to get a Coffee on a road trip, i would Choose one Tim Hortons over another because one gives a discount and the other does not. Or One gives EMS a Free Coffee and One Doesnt. Thats not Abuse is it ? ? Never Once have i ever said "Hey, Dont EMT's Get Discounts" When I never got a discount. Actually last time I got the discount and said "Sweet, I got a Discount" and the Time Hortons Lady is like "Yeah, we honor our Heroes To" That made me Smile Real Big for a few hours.
  6. I have not read all responses to this but i have 2 cents. I read an article where an elderly man confined to O2 Tank was downstairs watching TV. He had bad COPD or something and could barely move around on his own. Well suddenly, his family started falling unconscious around him, and he had no idea why. I think he witnessed 2 or 3 family members collapse around him, and he struggled to get to the phone to call 911. when the fire department arrived they found out the house had a bad CO2 leak and the 'Grandfather' was Unaffected Because of the fact he was stuck to a bottle of o2. He didnt even have a clue.
  7. Yeah, you gotta love the older people to, Either they Move out of your way on the side of the road (Whether your Lights and Siren are on OR NOT ) Or they just dont move and look as if they dont have a clue what to do ebcause an ambulance is behidn them.
  8. Man that is a Powerful Movie... I really liked it. Id love to see more that you guys do up!! It really gets the message across.
  9. My Preceptor had a simulator on his computer and it was really cool, I been trying to find something like that on the internet for download to my CP, know anything like that ?
  10. Man That was Awesome!!!
  11. Understood, Was hoping there was some sort of Online ECG site i could browse, But whatever lol. Thanks
  12. Throughout my EMT and Practicum, i COULD NOT Figure out ECG's for the Life of me, Do any of you know any sort of Online ECG Help guide or anything? or know anywhere online where i can look at and interpret ECG strips ?
  13. Something i found interesting on one of our calls. We did a transfur, a Cardiac patient, going in for some sort of Tests, had one previous Heart attack a while back. It was a simple patient transfur, took vitals and talked to him, thats it. He sent us a Thank you Card, expressing his gratitude and thanked us for all we did for him, our support and 'friendship' with our short time we spent with him., I geuss we dont need to do anything huge to make a difference for someone It was nice getting so much appreciation from someone, as simple of a call that it was.
  14. First of all, i would like to say your guys' stories were Truly Awesome! And I have one for you, I’m only an EMR, Finished my EMT-A Schooling a few months ago and did my ambulance practicum this last July. We get called for a Patient transfer, From the General Hospital to the Psychiatric Center 30 min away. 35 y/o Female was picked up by RCMP the previous evening running down the street Butt Naked. So we arrive at the hospital and as we approach the front desk we walk by this room. A Female was standing, tapping her one leg, staring at the roof, Clapping, as if she was dancing. And at the time, my first thoughts were…. “Please Not Her….” Sure enough, she was the patient we were taking. She was accompanied by 3 security guards, all wearing black gloves. My Partner and I introduced ourselves to the patient who seemed at the time rather normal. We got to the ambulance, and as soon as she seen it, she gripped my arm and was suddenly scared. “No! Not an Ambulance!” She said, and proceeded to tell me how she was scared of enclosed areas. After some encouragement, and after telling her, I will be right beside her the WHOLE trip, she agrees. She gets on the stretcher and we get into the ambulance. Our friendly security guards who were watching her the whole time were standing at the back of the ambulance. Suddenly she became very agitated, and were certain the security guards were after her, because they were wearing gloves, she didn’t trust them, and INSISTED they take them off. They Did, and she immediately calmed down. Then she looked at me, seen that I had gloves. “Please, Please can you take your gloves off…your scaring me!” I calmly took my gloves off and asked, “Is that better” She said yes. So we finally got rolling, and she looked at me. “Can you take your glasses off? Your glasses are scaring me” I asked her why, and she said, that she Couldn’t look into my Soul because my glasses were blocking her. I took off my glasses, a little dumbfounded by the statement, I mean…what do you say to that ? So I asked if that’s better, and she said Yeah. I asked her “so what do you see in my soul” She said that she sees that I’m a nice guy….and I like to Gel my Hair. (I happen to have my hair Gelled that day, not sure what that has to do with my soul) THEN, after seeing I was such a nice guy, she wanted to Write a song! She proceeds to tell me that she’s a Kindergarten Teacher who writes songs. So she starts clapping her hands and bobbing her head up and down, and she INSISTED that I come along. So theres me and the patient Bee Bopping in the back of our unit. But, I was so off key, we re tried 5 times and she decided I was hopeless so we quit that. Then she proceeds to tell me, her story, the fact that she was #1 of the TOP 3 RICHEST people in the world. I asked her how she came to be that way and she said its all because of her mission, to save the world from Abuse. I told her that’s a pretty Noble Mission. And then she had to tell me that she was abused, and she INSISTED I look at her bruises, so she stripped herself butt naked on the stretcher and showed me the bruises on her legs. After covering her with a blanket, she began to tell me how she does this mission. Her and her 3 MOST TRUSTED friends (who were # 2 and # 3 of the RICHEST in the world) Time Travels, back to the age of the Dinosaurs and forward thousands of years to save the world. And she tried to teach me to time travel. “FIRST” she says, “you have to look at your watch at all times, DO NOT look away and tell me every time it changes!” So I ask “So do I tell you when the Minutes change? Or the seconds?” “Just tell me when it changes” So I tried. The time was 11 35 11 and I told her “ok its now 11 35 12” and I looked up at her. Well she didn’t like that. “LOOK AT YOUR WATCH OR ITS NOT GOING TO WORK!” Well we tried this a dozen and a half times and needless to say, I didn’t get to experience the time travel thing. Once we got to the Hospital, she insisted the entire hospital needed to see the proof of her abuse and stripped and began running down the hallway… Needless to say, it was my most entertaining patient I ever had. Sorry for the Novelization, but a nutshell version wouldn’t have been as good.
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