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  1. Hello Everybody! Well here is a little update on myself. The new job started out rough, I was not sure what i was getting myself into, but things are starting to settle into place. I sure keep busy though. I am doing things that I had no clue how to do. It sure is different. I am starting to enjoy my old job everyday, however, I do miss working the ambo. I just hear the sirens and I feel that adreneline going. I got an offer to go back and work one EMS shift a month. I am looking at the possibility of this. I am not exactly sure of what I want to do at this point, but you bet I will figure it out! Well I just wanted to keep you all updated on me! I am on the site every once in a while.
  2. I am Leann and I am in Wyoming. I am a WY EMT-AI and NREMT-I. I just changed careers, but I am going to keep my certification up! I feel like I am surrounded by Canadians! Ha ha ha
  3. I don't know if I formally introduced myself, I am Leann. I am an EMT-AI (advanced intermediate) in Wyoming. I just left EMS, to go work as a golf course supervisor (I know I know, BIG change!). I am going to keep up my certification, and I think I may go be a volunteer Fire Fighter for the County. I have not decided yet. I don't know what else to say. I am happily married and I have an 18-year old son (who is a pain in my a$$ most of the time HA HA HA! ) If you have questions you may send me a private message. Lea
  4. Thank you CD, and those of you who understand. I may not post here often but I joined this site because my best friend is also a member here and she always tole me about what a great site. Just becuause I have not posted much does not mean that I have not been here. This move from EMS was not planned. It actually just came about last month and I decided I am tired of the working 6-7 days with one off, I am tired of the politics in our hospital. So those of you who doubt me, do whatever you want to make yourselves feel better. No I am not going anywhere, I will be on every once in a while. (Like always) HA HA HA .
  5. After 15 years in fire/ems I regret to say, I am leaving EMS for good. Just today I accepted a new job in a totally different career path. It will be hard, but i feel this is what is best for me. I would bo volly but there is no volly squads here. The nearest one is 40 miles away. I am not leaving EMS because I am burnt out or anything like that. I am leaving because I am tired of the politics here. I will be a boss at my new job and I am excited. Dont get me wrong. I will miss EMS but I am doing what is best for me and my family. Be safe out there! Leann
  6. The worse OD i have seen? 11 year old male who went to the medicine cabnet and took tylenol, vicodin, and flexeril. He died. Was hard on all of us. He was so young.
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