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Everything posted by jjcapo

  1. jjcapo

    Poly Heme

    I am part of the study, good results here.
  2. I have a hard time understanding why you can't get command from the facility that you are transporting to. Did I misread?? Maybe somebody can explain that one to me. I am lucky that it is very rare that we need command, our protocols are very aggressive. Be safe and have a great day.
  3. I have had several problems with new EMT's where I work. They come in on their 1st day and either go to the bunk room and sleep or watch TV. I've walked up to a few over the years and asked them if they checked out their unit and if they know where everything is and how to use the equipment. I usually get the look like I have 2 heads.The dept that I work for will usually start new EMTs on routine transports and not on 911 medic units due to the newbies having no 911 experience. Drives me nuts ,when I hear them say that they should be on 911 units instead of the routine units. I worked on routine trucks for several years before working on the 911 unit.Must be me,but it seems like the new EMTs that are coming out of the classes think that the world owes them. I work with Weasel. He is right. I tell all the new guys that when they are doing a routine transport to do an assessment and get a set of vitals on every patient, that way the can get comfortable with patient contact and improve their skills. Some listen, some don't. I did not become a medic by watching TV or sleeping. :wink: Be safe and have a great day.
  4. I would do a Blood Glucose on both. Anyone can have new onset> Have a great day. JC
  5. Hello all, I have to give my opinion on this. I think you need to be an EMT to be a Paramedic. Remember BLS before ALS. I see that in some places you don't do any street time until you are finished class. I took my class st a Level 1 Trauma Center. We did clinicals and street time while the class was going on. We had a date that we had to be signed off in the street, if not that was it. Precepting was done in 2 cities. Just my opinions. Be safe and have a great day.
  6. I have a Phillips in my ambulance and have been using it for 4 months. No problems. I like it. Just be careful to have the dummy load hooked up when you run the operational test, if not you will get a critical error and the rep will have to talk you thru rebooting the unit. Take it from personal experience. Be safe. JC
  7. I have used both, personal preference is the Zoll because of the size. Here is another one. We just got a Phillips. I like it alot. It has been in my truck for a few week. I have monitored, cardioverted and defibulated with it. Works great. The display is great too. The colors can be changed for visibility. I changed it to black back round with yell and it was clear in the sun. Only drawback is the case with the pouches make the unit big and bulky. Any comments. Be safe and have a great day.
  8. I figured someone else was going to become a competitor to Poly Heme. I am part of the Poly Heme study. I have not used it myself yet but it has been used in the region with great success. I am glad the there is products like this out there. Anybody know what the difference between the two is? Be safe, Thanks for your time.
  9. 500 MHz digital trunked, Bucks County Pennsylvania.
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