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Everything posted by sunfloweremt

  1. If you get paid to run then aren't you paid staff instead of a volunteer?
  2. I am currently staffing officer of a full 24/7 volunteer station, there are only 3 full volunteer stations in the county, the others are a mix of paid/volunteer. Our station has about 30 members on the roster. Some are just aides and some are college students that come and go. We have a set schedule with I have to tweak monthly. Each member is required to run a 12 hour shift weekly (6-18 or 18-6) and we have a four week rotating weekend schedule. This means that each member runs a 12 hour weekend shift every four weeks. Weekend shifts are sat day, sat night and sunday day. As you can imagine day shifts are hard to fill. Once summer comes and people go on vacation, it is rough to fill in the day shifts. Members are required to post those shifts they can't run and find coverage. Usually though, I end up calling and begging people to fill the holes. I find it funny that our members complain about the 60 hour a month commitment when someone mentioned earlier they have to vol 144 hours.
  3. It is policy for our system that we not remove people from the boards at the hosptial. It is up to the hospital staff. In addition, leaving them on the board would make it easier to move when getting xrays. Usually the hospital takes of the spiders immediately and leaves them on the board for moving the patient.
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