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  1. well look at what happened in nagasaki japan the other day. the mayor was shot and killed. seeing that they have most strict gun laws and very low gun violence it never goes away. you can ban all of the guns legally and it will be easier to obtain illegal guns. gun control isnt the answer. yes i am pro gun here but i have been with the local police department and i think guns are the essential key to preserving the state of things we have now. i was talking with my dad and we got to talking back in the old west stuff like this didnt happen. if you intended to shoot someone you thought twice because most people carried a gun on their hip. as for the background check i think that extending the periods to get one will discourage legal gun owners to go buy from an individual. now take into account that this guy could have purchased the guns from individual and what could be said then? Common sense people. a gun does not kill, people with guns kill. and its just not guns you can kill with just bout anything. i mean if that guy went on a rampage with a knife and started killing people are you gonna ban knives because they kill people? o and the "privilege" to buy guns is not a privilege its a right as an American citizen. i believe the second amendment, right under the one to free speech.
  2. i got village idiot.
  3. well here in kansas we have a few different cert levels. First responder EMT-Basic EMT-Intermediate EMT-Defibrillation EMT-I/D Intermediate/Defibrillation Emergency Mobile Itensive Care Technician then we also have different training levels which are. Training Officer 1 Training Officer 2 Instructor/Coordinator
  4. the way i look at this is if you are wearing a nice and shiny gold badge or whatever finish it is, just wait till you have that one person that isn't right in the head and rips it off your duty shirt and stabs you with it. 1. need a new shirt now. 2. the now dangerous pt. you have has a weapon. 3. you have no sort of weapon to defend yourself against an attack in the back of the truck (unless you hit them with the O2 tank) I mean how many more reasons do you need? I know where I live we have a Super-max prison and a large sized jail here and we run many calls out of each. as being a ex-correctional officer i know what inmates can use as weapons so why give the more of a chance. just think safety. but for person preference i don't want a 3" long pin on me but do what you want. as for the receiving facility not wanting to sign for transferring care of a pt. note all information and contact your supervisor immediately.
  5. are you letting the fact that you are intubating a real person get you so nervous that you misplace the tube? and btw where are you taking your EMT-I from?
  6. see here in kansas we can only respond 10-37 which is no lights no sirens or 10-39 responding lights and sirens. as per state law ems units can only respond 10-39. responding with only the lights on causes too many traffic problems.
  7. you have to take national registry and you state to work in your state?
  8. ok i have been tazed and i have been sprayed and i have also been hit with an asp. they all hurt. but the thing i was saying was that i se a really good point in having them but some officers are way too quick to jump to use it. i mean put yourself in a situation where an officer has an attitude and he decides to use the tazer on you. he feels like he as done the right thing but in your eyes you feel the officer blew the situation out of porporton. i mean take the video of the kid at UCLA that was tazed many times. was he being a threat? did he directly threaten the officers? i dont know the whole story behind that but im sure there could have been a better way to handle that than taze him all the way to the car. i mean come on. but oh well thats just my opinion.
  9. no there is a thing called a level of force continuum. i used to be with a polic department and i noticed that a lot of officers do not ever follow that. these are the one im talking about. they would rather taze someone than follow their protocols. but i do agree that in some situatons that they are useful for restraining a violent person.
  10. read the whole thing. i said not all officers should have them. officer discretion is really poor.
  11. i don't agree with police officers having tazers. now if their supervisors only had them i could see that being a little better, but with the way some officers are they are very tazer happy. it used to be mace or pepper spray but since they incorporated tazers in their protocols, I have seen people that should not have gotten tazered and have. just look all over the internet for videos of people getting tazed and its amazing how tazer happy cops are. but oh well cant change things now until someone dies from the misuse of one.
  12. well i know if you look at the number of paramedics and the number of emt-b's in the state it's amazing to know how few paramedics there are. I know where I live there a shortage of paramedics. when the service goes to hire new personnel there was only two medics apply for three positions. I agree on longer schooling is better. I am currently getting all of my stuff out of the way for medic school. but I know for a fact sedgwick county is hiring 16 new medics and its always hard for them to keep medics. so it depends on the area and the service.
  13. I agree with a lot of ppl but we have all been a student. yes we all might handle stress differently. But the thing is that u cannot freak out. do that in the field, if you pass your boards, and you will need a good lawyer to deal with the family of the person you killed because u didnt provide care for the patient. EMS is not for everyone. Sitting in a classroom and actually seeing it in person in the field and treating it is a major difference. like wat was said before re-evaluate your decision before u waste your time tryin to go to career which u wont make it and possibly kill someone.
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