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  1. As far as EMS jobs in Indianapolis, it depends on a few things. If you're able to pass the CPAT and are under 35, there is always fire based positions, however medics have it a lot easier, and can walk on many departments, Including the above mentioned, plus the Anderson Fire Department. There is the Carmel FD, Fishers FD, Westfield FD, Noblesville FD, IFD, all the townships mentioned above, and there is Greenwood FD but I would avoid that area due to an overall ego oriented atmospere. In the civilian world, things are growing due to the medic shortage. Rural/Metro, as mentioned above, is pretty much the main player in the 911 industry, with 911 coverage to the southside of indianapolis, including Greenwood, Perry township and all of Johnson county, Martinsville and Morgan county, Tipton city and Tipton County, and Richmond and I believe its wayne county. R/M also provides 911 for parts of the Anderson area along with providing ALS to most of the counties BLS providers. I believe there might be a few other small locations Im unaware of. Along with these 911 areas, they also provide a majority of the interfacility transfers within central indiana, something along the lines of 150-200 runs a day throughout the state. Its a great place to start and learn the area, and plant your roots like many have. Wishard is currently hiring dual medics. there is also some other private providers already mentioned above. Indiana areas, for the most part honor EMT-Basic and EMT-Paramedic levels only, with few exceptions. the state has an EMT advanced level, but it is recognized by few providers.
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